Nuclear reaction analysis of
hydrogen in almandine, pyrope, and spessartite garnets
G. R. Rossman
of Geological and Planetary Sciences
California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
F. Rauch
für Kernphysik, Universitȁt Frankfurt
am Main, W. Germany
R. Livi
de Fisica-UFRGS
90000-Porto Alegre-RS, Brazil
T.A. Tombrello
DIvision of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy
Institute of Technology, Paadena, CA 91125
C.R. Shi
Research Institute
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, PRC
Z.Y. Zhou
Science Department
Fundan University, Shanghai, PRC
The hydrogen concents of a
series of
almandine, pyrope, and spessartite garnets
were determined with the 15nuclear
profiling method. The H
contents, expressed as H2O,
ranged up to 0.12 wt.% for one spessartite,
but were normally in the 0.0x
wt.% range. When the measured
H contents were compared with
infrared absorbance
data, different calibration trends were obtained with the spessartine and almandine data. The
pyrope garnets contain so little H (<0.02 wt.%
H2O) that satisfactory
calibrations have not yet been
obtained with the nuclear method.