Alphabetical Listing for F
Updated 6/23/2023 by GR Rossman
- Fargas F, Calas G (1991) Structural analysis of radiation damage in
zircon and thorite: An X-ray absorption spectroscopic study. American
Mineralogist 76:60-73
- Farmer GL, Boettcher AL (1981) Petrologic and crystal-chemical
significance of some deep-seated phlogopites. American Mineralogist
- Farrell EF, Newnham RE (1965) Crystal-field spectra of chrysoberyl,
alexandrite, peridot, and sinhalite. American Mineralogist
- Farrell EF, Newnham RE (19</li>65) Crystal-field spectra of
chrysoberyl, alexandrite, peridot, and sinhalite. American Mineralogist
- Farrell EF, Newnham RE (1967) Electronic and vibrational
absorptoin spectra in cordierite. American Mineralogist 52, 380-388.
- Fayazyddin M, Reddy NCG, Reddy GS, Reddy SL, Rao PS, Frost RL
(2007) Optical absorption and EPR studies on beaverite mineral.
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular
Spectroscopy 68, 807-810.
- Faye GH (1968) The optical absorption spectra of iron in
six-coordinate sites in chlorite, biotite, phlogopite and vivianite.
Some aspects of pleochroism in the sheet silicates. Canadian Mineral
- Faye GH (1968) The optical absorption spectra of certain
transition metal ions in muscovite, lepidolite, and fuchite. Canadian J
of Earth Sci. 5:31-38
- Faye GH, Nickel EH (1968) The origin of pleochroism in erythrite.
Canadian Mineral 9:493-504
- Faye GH, Manning PG, Nickel EH (1968) The polarized optical
absorption spectra of tourmaline, cordierite, chloritoid and vivianite:
ferrous-ferric electronic interaction as a source of pleochroism. Amer
Mineral 53:1174-1201
- Faye GH (1969) The optical absorption spectrum of
tetrahedrally-bonded Fe3+ in orthoclase. Canadian Mineral 10:112-117
- Faye GH, Harris DC (1969) On the colour and pleochroism in
andalusite from Brazil. Canadian Mineral 10:47-56
- Faye GH, Hogarth DD (1969) On the origin of 'reverse pleochroism'
of a phlogoite. Canadian Mineral 10:25-34
- Faye GH, Nickel EH (1969) On the origin of colour and pleochroism
of kyanite. Canadian Mineral 10:35-46
- Faye GH, Nickel EH (1970) The effect of charge-transfer
processes on the colour and pleochroism of amphiboles. Canadian Mineral
- Faye GH (1971) On the optical spectra of di-and trivalent iron
in corundum: a discussion. Amer Mineral 56:344-348
- Faye GH (1971) A semi-quantitative microscope technique for
measuring the optical absorption spectra of mineral and other powders.
Canadian Mineral 10:889-895
- Faye GH, Nickel EH (1971) Pleochroism of zoisite from Tanzania.
Canadian Mineralalogist 10, 812-821
- Faye GH (1972) Relationship between crystal-field splitting
parameter "deltaVI" and Mhost-O bond distance as an aid in the
interpretation of absorption spectra of Fe2+-bearing materials.
Canadian Mineral 11:473-487
- Faye GH, Manning PG, Gosselin JR, Tremblay RJ (1974) The
optical absorption spectra of tourmaline: importance of charge-transfer
processes. Canadian Mineral 12:370-380
- Faye GH (1974) Optical absorption spectrum of Ni2+ in garnierite:
A discussion. Canadian Mineral 12:389-393
- Faye GH (1975) Spectra of shock-affected rhodonite: a discussion.
Amer Mineral 60:939-941
- Fedorovskikh YA, Shul'gin BV, Emel'chenko GA, Gavrilov FF,
Ilyukhin VV (1973) Crystal structure and optical spectra of
zircon. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie
Materialy 9, 432-4. In Russian
- Fedorovskikh YA, Krasnobaev AA, Polezhaev YM (1975) Spectroscopic
study of rare earth ions in zircon. Spektroskopiya Kristallov (1975),
279-80. In Russian
- Feneyrol J, Giuliani G, Ohnenstetter D, Rondeau B, Fritsch E,
Falllick AE, Ichang'i D, Omito E, Rakotondrazafy M, Ranatsenho M,
Lallier F (2014) New typology and origin of tsavorite based on
trace-element chemistry. European Journal of Mineralogy 2, 203-308.
- Feral K (2022) Chromiuim-bearing Translucent Green Common Opal.
The Journal of Gemology 38, 120-122.
- Ferguson J, Wood dL, van Uitert LG (1969) Crystal-field spectra
of d3,7 ions. V. Tetrahedral Co2+ in ZnAl2O4 spinel. Journal of
Chemical Physics 51, 2904-4909.
- Ferguson J, Fielding PE (1971) The origins of the colours of
yellow, green and blue sapphires. Chem Phys Letters 10:262-265
- Ferguson J, Fielding PE (1972) The orgins of the colours of
natural yellow, blue, and green sapphires. Australian J Chem
- Fielding PE (1970) The distribution of uranium, rare earths,
and color centers in a crystal of natural zircon. Amer Mineral
- Finch AA, Friis H, Maghrabi M (2016) Defects in
sodalite‑group minerals determined from X‑ray‑induced luminescence.
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 43, 481-491.
- Finch J, Gainsford AR, Tennant WC (1982) Polarized optical
absorption and 57Fe Mössbauer study of pegmatitic
muscovite. American Mineralogist 67, 59-68.
- Fisher D (2009) Brown diamonds and high pressure high temperature
treatment. Lithos 112S, 619–624.
- Fisher D, Sibley SJ, Kelly CJ (2009) Brown colour in natural
diamond and interaction between the brown related and other
colour-inducing defects. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 21, No. 36.
- Fontana I, Le Donne A, Palanza V, Binetti S, Spinolo G (2008)
Optical spectroscopy study of type 1 natural and synthetic sapphires.
Journal of Physics of Condensed Matter. 20, 125228 (5pp).
- Foord EE, Martin RF (1979) Amazonite from the Pikes Peak
batholith. Mineralogical Record 10, 373-380; 382-384.
- Foord EE, Erd RC, Hunt GR (1981) New data for jeremejevite.
Canadian Mineralogist 18, 303-310.
- Ford RJ, Hitchman MA (1979) Single crystal electronic and EPR
spectra of CaCuSi4O10, a synthetic silicate containing copper(II) in a
four-coordinate, planar ligand environment. Inorganica Chimica Acta
33, L167-L170.
- Foster MD, Schaller WT (1966) Cause of color in wavellite from
Dug Hill, Arkansas. American Mineralogist 51, 422 428.
- Franz G, Vyshnevskyi O, Taran M, Khomenko V, Wiedenbeck M,
F, Niissen J (2020) A new emerald occurrence from Kruta Balka, Western
Peri-Azovian region, Ukraine: Implications for understanding the
crystal chemistry of emerald. American Mineralogist
105, 162–181.
- Fregola RA, Skogby H, Bosi F, D'Ippolito V, Andreozzi GB,
Hålenius U (2014) Optical absorption spectroscopy study of the causes
for color variations in natural Fe-bearing gahnite: Insights from iron
valency and site distribution data. American Mineralogist 99, 2187–2195.
- Frentrup
KR, Langer K (1981) Mn3+ in garnets: optical absorption spectrum of a
synthetic Mn3+-bearing silicate garnet. N Jb Miner Mh:245-256
- Frentrup KR, Langer K (1982) Microscope absorption
spectrometry of silicate microcrystals in the range 40000 - 5000 cm-1
and its application to garnet end members synthesized at high
pressures. In: Schreyer, W., ed.: High-Pressure Researches in
Geoscience. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp. 247-258.
- Fridrichová J, Bačík P, Rusinová P, Antal P, Škoda R, Bizovská V,
Miglierini M (2015) Optical and crystal‑chemical changes in aquamarines
and yellow beryls from Thanh Hoa province, Vietnam induced by heat
treatment. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 42, 287–302.
- Fridrichová J, Bacík P, Illášová L, et al. (2016) Raman and
optical spectroscopic investigation of gem-quality smoky quartz
crystals. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 85: 71-78.
- Fridrichová J, Bačik P, Malíčková I, Illášová L, Pulisová Z,
Milovaká S (2017) Optical-spectroscopic study of gem sphalerite from
Banská Štiavnica and Hodruša Hámre. Esemestnik, 6-9.
- Fridrichová J, Bačík P, Ertl A, Wildner M, Dekan J, Miglierini M
(2018) Jahn–Teller distortion of Mn3+-occupied octahedra in red beryl
from Utah indicated by optical spectroscopy. Jorunal of Molecular
Structure 1152, 79–86.
- Fridrichová J, Bačik P, Štubňa J (2020) Sphalerite from Slovakia.
The Journal of Gemmology 37, 12-13.
- Friend JN, Allchin JP (1939) Colour of Celestine. Nature
1939, 633.
- Fritsch E, Rossman GR (1987) An update on color in gems. Part
1: Introduction and colors caused by dispersed metal ions.” Gems &
Gemology, Vol. 23, No.4, pp. 126-139.
- Fritsch E, Rossman GR (1988) An update on color in gems. Part 2:
colors involving multiple atoms and color centers. Gems & Gemology
24, 3–15.
- Fritsch E, Shigley JE, Rossman GR, Mercer ME, Muhlmeister
SM, Moon M (1990) Gem-quality cuprian elbaite tourmalines from Sao Jos‚
De Batalha, Para¡ba, Brazil. Gems and Gemology 26, 189-205.
- Fritsch E, Shigley JE (1991) Optical properties of some
natural-color and laboratory-irradiated green to blue diamonds. New
Diamond Science and Technology. Materials Research Society Int. Conf.
Proc., pp. 677-681.
- Fritsch E, Shigley JE (1991) Causes of the purple and pink
colours of manganoan sugilites from the Wessels mine, South Africa.
Mineral Mag, 58, 681-685.
- Fritsch E, Shigley JE (1994) Causes of the purple and pink
colours of manganoan sugilites from the Wessels mine, South Africa.
Mineralogical Magazine 58, 681-685.
- Fritsch E, Shigley JE, Moses T, Rossman GR, Zucker B, Balfour I
(1995) Examination of the twenty-two carat green chameleon diamond. In
DJ Content, Ed., A Green Diamond: A study of Chameleonism, WD Maney
& Son, Leeds, 42 pp.
- Fritsch E, Hanni H, Devouard B, Chazot G, Schwarz D, Chalain JP,
Giuliani G, Rollion-Bard C, Garnier V, Barda S, Ohnenstetter D, Notari
F, Maitrallet P (2003) Le nouveau traitement produisant des
couleurs orange à jaune dans les saphirs. Revue de Gemmologie
AFG 147, 11–23.
- Fritsch E, Hainschwang T, Massi L, Rondeau B (2007)
Hydrogen-Related Optical Centers in Natural Diamond: An Update.
New Diamond and Frontier Carbon Technology 17, 63-88.
- Fritsch E, Massi L, Rossman GR, Hainschwang T, Jobic S, Dessapt R
(2007) Thermochromic and photochromic behaviour of “chameleon”
diamonds. Diamond and Related Materials 16, 401-408.
- Fritsch E, Rondeau B, Hainschwang T, Quellier M-H (2007) A
contribution to the understanding of pink color in diamond: The unique,
historical «Grand Condé». Diamond and Related Materials 16,
- Fritsch E, Megaw PKM, Spano TL, Chauvire B, Rondeau B, Gray M,
Hainschwang T, Renfro N (2015) Green-luminescing hyalite opal from
Zacatecas, Mexico. The Journal of Gemmology 34, 490-508.
- Fritsch E, Delaunay A (2018) What truly characterises a chameleon
diamond? An exampleof an atypical 25.85 ct stone. The Journal of
Gemmology 36, 142-151.
- Fontana I, Le Donne A, Palanza V, Bineti S, Spinolo G (2008)
Optical spectroscopy study of type 1 natural and synthetic sapphires.
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 20:125228-125232
- Foster MD, Schaller WT (1966) Cause of colors in wavellite from
Dug Hill Arkansas. American Mineralogist 51, 422-428.
- Frost RL, Palmer SJ, Reddy BJ (2008) The structure of mimetite,
arsenian pyromorphite and hedyphane –a Near Infrared spectroscopic
study. Polyhedron 27, 1747-1753.
- Frost RL, Reddy BJ, Dickfos MJ (2008) An application of
and mid-infrared spectroscopy to the study of uranyl selenite minerals:
derriksite, demesmaekerite, guilleminite and haynesite. Journal of Near
Infrared Spectroscopy 16, 455-469.
- Frost
RL, Reddy BJ, Keeffe EC (2008) An application of the near infrared
spectroscopy to the study of the selenite minerals: chalcomenite,
clinochalcomenite and cobaltomenite. Journal of Near Infrared
Spectroscopy 16, 399-407.
- Frost RL, Keeffe EC, Reddy BJ (2009) An application of
and midinfrared spectroscopy to the study of selected tellurite
minerals: xocomecatlite, tlapallite and rodalquilarite. Transition
Metal Chemistry, 34, 23-32.
- Frost RL, Keeffe EC, Reddy BJ (2010) Characterisation of Ni
carbonate-bearing minerals by UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy. Transition Metal
Chemistry 35, 279-287.
- Frost, Ray L, Reddy BJ, Keeffe EC (2010) An application of
near-infrared and mid-infrared spectroscopy to the study of selected
minerals. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 165(3). pp. 193-205.
- Frost
RL, Reddy BJ, Keeffe EC (2010) Spectroscopy of selected copper group
minerals: Chalcophyllite and chenevixite-implications for hydrogen
bonding. Spectrochimica Acta Part A 77, 388–396.
- Fujii AT, Isotani S (1983) Comparative study of five varieties of
spodumene through optical absorption.
Report (1983), (IFUSP-P-437), 33 pp.
- Fujii AT, Isotani S (1988) Optical absorption study of five
varieties of spodumene. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 60(2),