St. Austell
Dorothy china clay pit
Li-mica granite
Rossmanite plus elbaite from Cornwall, England.
The darker shades of green are not rossmanite - the specimen
exhibits considerable zonation into other compositions. Field of view: 4 cm.
Rossmanite occurs in an unusual
sample of tourmaline-quartz veinstone that proved to contain a
number of different tourmaline species. The tourmalines represent the
final crystallization products of a complex
magmatic-hydrothermal crystallization-recrystallization sequence
that saw foitite form early, followed by schorl, "fluor-schorl",
elbaite and rossmanite (Tindle, 2007).

X-site compositions of elbaite and rossmanite tourmalines
from the St. Austell locality span a considerable range
and grade far into the rossmanite compositional field
(AG Tindle, unpublished analyses, 2007b).
Tindle, A.G. (2008) Minerals of Britain and Ireland.
Published by Terra Publishing, Harpenden, Herts AL5 2ZD, England. ISBN-13: 9781903544228
Tindle, A.G. (2007) Personal communication. [a.g.tindle @ open.ac.uk]
last updated 2-Nov-2012