near Mavuco
Gem quality rossmanite occurs in crystals of mixed elbaite-rossmanite
compositions. At this locality, there is
no correlation between the color of the sample and the species of
tourmaline. Pink, pale yellow and yellow-green crystals have been shown
to be rossmanite by electron microprobe analysis (Laurs et al. 2008; Simmons et al. 2011).
In their study, Simmons et al. (2011) also found flourine-dominant
yellow rossmanites that corresponds to the hypothetical mineral species,
phase has never been fully studied and characterized to the point that
it could be submitted to the IMA for consideration as a new mineral
X-site compositions of
rossmanite and representative elbaite tourmalines
from the Muva, Mozambique, locality as reported in Laurs et al., 2008.

"Fluor-rossmanite" compositions in the flourine-rich yellow tourmalines from Muva. (After Figure 8 in Simmons et al, 2011)
Laurs BM, Zwan JC, Simmons WB, Falster AU (2008) Tourmaline
from Muva, Mozambique. Gems & Gemology, 44, 273-275.
WB, Falster AU, Laurs BM (2011) A survey of Mn-rich yellow tourmaline
from worldwide localities and implications for the petrogenesis of
granitic pegmatites. The Canadian Mineralogist 49, 301-319.
last updated 17-Mar-2017