References to Rossmanite
Scientific Journals and Popular Publications
Pezzotta, Federico (1998) Ein neues Mineral der Turmalin-Gruppe;
Rossmanit aus Rozna (CR) und Elba (I) Mineralien-Magazin Lapis 23(9),
38-40.Selway GJB, Novák M, Hawthorne FC, Cerný P, Ottolini L,
Kyser TK (1998) Rossmanite [](LiAl2)Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)4,
a new alkali deficient tourmaline: description and crystal
structure. American
Mineralogist, 83(7-8):896–900.
Pezzotta P, Guastoni A, Aurisicchio C (1998) La rossmanite di
Roznà e dell'Elba. Rivista Mineralogica Italiana, 22(1): 45-50.
Novak M, Stanek J (1999) Lepidolitovy pegmatit od Dobre Vody u Velkeho
Mezirici, zapadni Morava. Acta Musei Moraviae. Scientiae Geologicae.
Casopis Moravskeho Muzea 84, 3-44.
Selway JB, Novák M, Cerný P, Hawthorne FC (1999)
Compositional evolution of tourmaline in lepidolite-subtype
pegmatites. European Journal of Mineralogy,
AA, Bulakh, AG (1999) Rossmanite, olenite, elbaite and fifty percent
rule to select boundaries between mineral species among Li-Al
tourmalines.Zapiski Vserossiyskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva
(Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society), 128(2), 32-38.
JB, Cerný P, Hawthorne FC, Novák M (2000) The Tanco
pegmatite at Bernic Lake, Manitoba, XIV. Internal tourmaline.
Canadian Mineralogist, 38(4):877–891.
Wise MA (2000) Chemical Evolution in Tourmaline from
Pegmatites of Maine. 26 Rochester Mineralogical Symposium. page
6-7. Rocks and Minerals July 2000
Laurs BM (2002) Gem News International. Gems & Gemology,
Selway JB, Smeds S-A, Cerný P, Hawthorne FC (2002)
Compositional evolution of tourmaline in the petalite-subtype
Nyköpingsgruvan pegmatites, Utö, Stockholm archipelago, Sweden.
GFF, 124(2):93–102.
Simmons WB (2002) Species by species - the tourmaline group minerals. extraLapis English 3:18-23.
Zhang AC, Wang RC, Hu H, Chen XM, Zhang H (2004) Occurrences of
foitite and rossmanite from the Koktokay No. 3 granitic pegmatite dyke,
Altai, northwestern China: a record of hydrothermal fluids. Canadian
Mineralogist, 42, 873-882.
Simmons WB, Laurs BM, Falster AU, Koivula JI, Webber KL.
(2005) Mt. Mica: A renaissance in Maine's gem tourmaline
production. Gems and Gemology , 1(2), 150-163.
Wilson WE (2007) Tourmaline from the Minh Tien Pegmatite, Luc Yen
Mining District, Yenbai Province, Vietnam. The Mineralogical Record,
38, 453-457.
Lupulescu M, Rakovan J (2008) The 35th Rochester Mineralogical Symposium, Contributed Papers in Specimen Mineralogy, 10.
Zhang AC, Wang RC, Jiang SY, Hu H, Zhang H (2008) Chemical and
textural features of tourmaline from the spodumene-subtype Koktokay No.
3 pegmatite, Altai, northwestern China: a record of magmatic to
hydrothermal evolution. Canadian Mineralogist 46, 41-58.
Gil-Crespo PP, Ostaikoetxea U, Roda-Robles E, Simmons W, Nizamoff J
(2012): Caracterización por XRD y Espectroscopía NIR de Turmalinas de
la Serie Chorlo-Elbaita-Rossmanita de la Pegmatita de Berry-Havey
(Maine, USA). Macla 16, p. 222-223.
Y, Uehara S (2013) Li tourmaline from Nagatare, Fukuoka Prefecture,
Japan. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 108, 238-243.
Wunder B, Berryman E, Kutzschbach M, Koch-Müller M, Erth A, Heinrich W
(2015) Multi-method characterization of synthetic tourmaline:
Rossmanite, magnesio-foitite, dravite, and maruyamaite.
Goldschmidt Conference, 16-21 August 2015, Prague, Czech
Republic. Abstract p 3466.
M, Wunder B, Krstulovic MJ, Ertl A, Trumbull R, Rocholl A, Giester G
(2017) First high-pressure synthesis of rossmanitic tourmaline and
evicence for the incorporation of Li at the X site. Physics and
Chemistry of Minerals 44: 353-363.
Diella V, Pezzotta
F, Bocchio R, Marinoni N, Cámara F, Langone A, Adamo I, Lanzafame G
(2018) Gem-Quality Tourmaline from LCT Pegmatite in Adamello Massif,
Central Southern Alps, Italy:
An Investigation of Its Mineralogy, Crystallography and 3D Inclusions. Minerals 8, 593; doi:10.3390/min8120593.
Falster AU, Simmons WB (2019) Rubellite Chemistry. Mineral Monograph 20, 24-27.
Web Pages:
Wise MA (2000)
Geochemical evolution of tourmaline in the Black Mountain
pegmatite, Maine. Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists,
Conference Abstracts. (Discontinued web link)
Giller BS, Falster AU, Laurs BM, Simmons WB (2003) Gem
Tourmaline From Nigeria. (Discontinued web link)
Guisewite A (2003) Mineral Collection Images
Hedegaard C (2005) Tucson 2005 - green rocks galore. (Discontinued web link)
Last updated: 26-Nov-2019