Publications by year


These are links to the abstracts of the papers, pictures of the objects of the papers, and to the raw data used to construct graphs. 


2025 Publications

410)  Pargas K, Knutson HA, Hu R, Ehlmann BL, Alemanno G, Helbert J, Maturilli A, Zhang M, Rossman G (2025) A New Spectral Library for Modeling the Surfaces of Hot, Rocky Exoplanets. Astrophysical Journal, 981:130. doi 10.3847/1538-4357/ada9eb

409) Rossman GR, Ma C (2025) Iridescent Iron Oxides. Minerals 15, 108.

2024 Publications

408) Canasa P, King D, Cifligu P, Sanchez AFL, Chen SL, Han H, Billinghurst B, Zhao J, Park C, Rossman GR, Pravica M, Bhowmik PK, Evlyukhin E (2023) Piezochromic behaviour of 2,4,6-triphenylpyrylium tetrachloroferrate. Small Science 2400106.

Evans H, Rossman GR (2024) Intervalence Charge Transfer in Aluminum Oxide and Aluminosilicate Minerals at Elevated Temperatures. American Mineralogist 109, 2152-2161.

406) Heirwegh CM, Elam WT,  Liu Y, Das A, Hummel C, Naylor B, Wade LA, Allwood AC, Hurowitz JA, Armstrong LG, Bacop N, O’Neil LP, Sinclair KP, Sondheim ME, Denise RW, Lawson PR, Rosas R, Kawamura JH, Au MH, Kitiyakara A, Foote MC, Romero RA, Anderson MS, Rossman GR, Clark III BC (2024) Pre-Flight Calibration of PIXL for X-ray Fluorescence Elemental Quantification. arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.01544

405) Houchin SK, Tissot FLH, Ibañez-Mejia M, Newville M, Lanzirotti A, Pavia F, Rossman GR (2023) Uranium Oxidation States in Zircon and Other Accessory Phases. Geochemica Cosmochemica Acta. 381, 156-176.

404) Kampf AR, Möhn G, Ma C, Rossman GR, Désor J, Giam U (2024) Rotherkopfite, KNa2(Fe2+2.5Ti4+1.5)Fe2+(Si4O12)2, a new neptunite-group mineral without essential lithium, from Rother Kopf, Eifel Volcanic Fields, Germany. European Journal of Mineralogy 36, 605–614,, 2024

Lin WH, Li CS, Wu CI, Rossman GR, Atwater HA, Yeh NC (2024) Dramatically Enhanced Valley-Polarized Emission by Alloying and Electrical Tuning of Monolayer WTe2xS2(1-x) Alloys at Room Temperature with 1T′-WTe2-Contact. Advanced Science 11, 2304890.

402) Ma C. Rossman GR, Williams B, Williams C, Laurs BM (2024) Hazy Spinel from Mahenge, Tanzania. The Journal of Gemmology 39, 213-215.

401) Palfey WR, Hwang SJ, Goddard WA, Rossman GR (2024) The spectroscopy of hydride in single crystals of SrTiO3 perovskite. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26. 25439-25451. DOI: 10.1039/d4cp02852j

400) Quinn LK, Esteves R, Latorre-Suárez P, Rossman GR, Raghavan S, Faber KT (2024) Shape Memory and Superelasticity in Polycrystalline Ceria-Stabilized Zirconia Honeycombs. Acta Materialia. 281, 123400.

2024 Abstracts

A296) Funaro EJ, Palfey WR, Park A, Schlom DG, Rossman GR (2024) Ultra-Thin Sections - Illuminating the Spectra of Highly Opaque Minerals. European Mineralogical Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 18–23 August. Abstract Session 5.

A295) Mueller J, de Kleer K, Ehlmann BL, Tissot F, Rossman GR, Greenberger RN, Marquez R, Ivanova M (2024) Near- and mid-infrared reflectance mapping of Calcium-Aluminum-rich inclusions and applications for remote sensing of asteroids. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 9-13 December. Abstract P21E-3021.

Palfey WR, Hwang SJ, Goddard WA, Rossman GR (2024) Hydride incorporation in Ti perovskites. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 9-13 December. Abstract V41C-3151.

A293) Palfey WR, Hwang SJ, Goddard WA III, Rossman GR (2024) The spectroscopy of hydride in perovskites.
European Mineralogical Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 18–23 August. Abstract Session 29

A292) Paragas K, Knutson H, Hu R, Ehlmann B, Alemanno G, Helbert J, Maturilli A, Rossman G (2024) A New High Temperature Spectral Library for Modeling the Surfaces of Hot, Rocky Exoplanets. AASTCS10, Extreme Solar Systems V, id. 609.06. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 56, No. 4 e-id 2024n4i609p06. Christchurch, NZ. Abstract 609.06

A291) Quinn L, Esteves R. Latorre-Suarez PC, Rossman GR, Raghavan S, Faber K (2024) Exploring Shape Memory and Superelastic Transformations in Bulk-Scale, Porous Zirconia. 48th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, American Ceramic Society, Daytona Beach, FL, Jan 28-Feb 2. Abstract ICACC-S9-023-2024

A290) Velling S, Weber J, Jones JP, Barge LM, Rossman GR, Faber KT (2024
) Development of Catalytic Porous Electrode Scaffolds for Mechanically-robust Hydrothermal Chimney Growth. 2024 Astrobiology Science Conference. Abstract

2023 Publications

399) Geiger CA, Taran MN, Rossman GR (2023) UV/Vis single-crystal spectroscopic investigation of almandine-pyrope and almandine-spessartine solid solutions: Part I. Spin-forbidden Fe2+,3+ and Mn2+ electronic-transition energies, crystal chemistry and bonding behavior. American Mineralogist: 108, 1149-1160.

398) Jutras JP, Williams C, Williams B, Rossman GR (2023) Nephrite Jade from Washington State, USA, Showing Optical Phenomena. Journal of Gemmology 38, 494-511.

397) Palfey WR, Rossman GR, Goddard WA (2023) Behavior of Hydrogarnet-Type Defects in Hydrous Stishovite at Various Temperatures and Pressures. Journal of Geophysical Rearch: Solid Earth 128 e2022jB024980

396) Pardo OS, Dobrosavljevic VV, Perez T, Sturhahn W, Liu Z, Rossman GR, Jackson JM (2023) X-ray Diffraction Reveals Two Structural Transitions in Szomolnokite. American Mineralogist 108, 476-484. https://10.2138/am-2022-8147

395) Taran MN, Geiger CA, Vyshnevskyi OA, Rossman GR (2023) Single-crystal UV/Vis optical absorption spectra of almandine-bearing and spessartine garnet:: Part II. An analysis of the spin-forbidden bands of Fe2+, Mn2+, and Fe3+. American Mineralogist: 108, 1161-1170.

2023 Abstracts

A289)  Mueller JM, Ehlmann BL, Rossman GR, Tissot FLH, Greenberger RN, Marquez RT, de Kleer K (2023) A Spectral Database of Calciuim-Aluminum -Rich Inclusions and Applications to Asteroid Observations. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 16. Abstract 1925

A288) Palfey WR, Rossman GR, Hwang S, Goddard WA (2023) Hydride in perovskites – an alternative mechanism for incorporating hydrogen in the deep earth. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 11-15 December 2023.

A287) Pardo OS, Dobrosavljevic VV, Strozewski1 B, Perez T, Liu Z, Rossman GR, Toellner TS, Sturhahn W, Jackson JM (2023) Insights into hydrated sulfate minerals’ elastic, electronic, and structural properties within planetary environments using spectroscopic and X-ray scattering techniques. American Geophysical Union  Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 11-15 December 2023.

2022 Publications

394) Gaft M, Waychunas G, Rossman G, Nagli L, Gorychev A; Raichlin Y (2022) Zero-phonon Mn2+ luminescence in natural grossular Ca3Al2(SiO4)3. Journal of Luminescence. 248, 119001.
393) Housley R, Chorazewicz M, Rossman G (2022) Precious Opal pseudomorphs after Gaylussite found in Tecopa Dry Lake Sediments, Inyo County CA. Mineral News 

392) Ma C, Beckett JR, Tissot F, Rossman GR (2022) New minerals in type A inclusions from Allende and clues to processes in the early solar system. Part I: Paqueite, Ca3TiSi2(Al,Ti,Si)3O14, and burnettite, CaVAlSiO6. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 57, 1300-1324.
391) Maderazzo M, Hughes JM, Dyar MD, Rossman GR, Ackley B, Sklute E, Lupulescu M, Chiarenzelli J (2022) The atomic arrangement of vonsenite at 295, 100, and 90 K. American Mineralogist 197, 92-99.
390) Mosenfelder J, Von Der Handt A, Withers A, Bureau H, Raepsaet C, Rossman GR (2022) Coupled hydrogen and fluorine incorporation in grossular: new constraints from FTIR, ERDA, SIMS, and EPMA. American Mineralogist 197, 587-602. DOI:
389) Rossman GR (2022) Acceptance of the 2021 Roebling Medal of the Mineralogical Society of America. American Mineralogist 107 (5), 994-995.
388) Rossman GR, Tschauner O (2022) The discovery of davemaoite, the CaSiO3-perovskite, in a diamond from Earth’s lower mantle. Gems & Gemology 58, 126-128.
387) Tschauner O, Huang S, Humayun M, Liu W, Rossman GR (2022) Response to Comment on “Discovery of davemaoite, CaSiO3-perovskite, as a mineral from the lower mantle”. Science 10.1126/science.abo2029 (2022).

2022 Abstracts

A286) Geiger CA, Rossman GR (2022) "Water” in Silicate Garnet: Hydrogarnet Clusters. 23d General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Lyon, France, July 2022. Abstract IMA2022-1432
A285) Palfey WR, Rossman GR, Hwang S, Goddard WA (2022) Hydride in oxide minerals – a potentially overlooked reservoir for hydrogen in the mantle. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 12-16, 2022.. Abstract MR35B-0061
A284) Pardo OS, Dobrosavljevic VV, Sturhahn W, Liu Z, Rossman GR, Toellner TS, Jackson JM (2022) Lattice dynamics of an iron-bearing hydrated sulfate at high pressure. 2022 COMPRES ZOOM Meeting, Aug, 2022. Abstract
A283) Pardo OS, Palfey WR, Dobrosavljevic VV, Sturhahn W, Liu Z, Rossman GR, Toellner TS, Jackson JM (2022) High Pressure Vibrational Properties of Szomolnokite. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 12-16, 2022. Abstract MR35B-0056
A282) Waychunas G, Rossman G, Gaft M (2022) Electronic defects as activators of luminescence in minerals: overview and examples of novel fluorescence and tenebresence. 41st Friends of Mineralogy-TGMS-MSA Tucson Mineral Symposium, Feb, 2022.

2021 Publications

386) Biswas S, Whitney WS, Grajower MY, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Bechtel HA, Rossman GR, Atwater HA (2021) Tunable intraband optical conductivity and polarization-dependent epsilon-near-zero behavior in black phosphorus. Science Advances Science Advances 7, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abd4623

Crotteau MA, Greenberger RN, Ehlmann BL, Rossman GR, Harris M, Kelemen PB, Teagle DAH, Oman Drilling Project Phase 1 Science Party (2021) Characterizing Hydration of the Ocean Crust Using Shortwave Infrared Microimaging Spectroscopy of ICDP Oman Drilling Project Cores. Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, e2021JB022676. doi: 10.1029/2021JB022676

384) Köhler P, Fischer W, Grotzinger J, Rossman GR, Wang Y, Yin Y, Frankenberg C (2021) Mineral Luminescence Observed From Space. Geophysical Research Lettters 48, e2021GL095227.

383) Lin WH, Wu PC, Akabari H, Rossman GR, Yeh NC, Atwater HA (2022) Electrically Tunable and Dramatically Enhanced Valley-Polarized Emission of Monolayer WS2 at Room Temperature with Plasmonic Archimedes Spiral Nanostructures. Advanced Materials 34, 2104863.
382) Mills S, Kartashov PM, Kampf AR, Rumsey MS, Ma C, Stanley CJ, Spratt J, Rossman GR, Novgorodava MI (2021) Native tungsten from the Bol'shaya Pol'ya river valley and Mt Neroyka, Russia. Mineralogical Magazine 85, 76-81. DOI:

381) Palfey W, Rossman GR, Goddard W (2021) Structure, Energetics, and Spectra for the Oxygen Vacancy in Rutile: Prominence of the Ti-HO-Ti. Journal of Chemical Physics Letters 12, 10175-10181. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c02850

380) Palke AC, Henling LM, Ma C, Rossman GR, Sun Z, Renfro N, Kampf AR, Thu K, Myo N, Wongrawang P, Weeramonkhonlert V (2021) Johnkoivuilaite, Cs(Be2B)Mg2Si6O18, a new mineral of the beryl group from the gem deposits of Mogok, Myanmar. American Mineralogist 106, 1844-1851. 

379) Tschauner O, Huang S, Yang S, Humayun M, Liu W, Gilbert Corder S, Bechtel HA, Tischler J, Rossman GR (2021) Discovery of davemaoite, CaSiO3-perovskite as a mineral from the lower mantle. Science 374, 891-894. 

2021 Abstracts

A281) Biswas S, Whitney WS, Grajower MY, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Bechtel HA, Rossman GR, Atwater HA (2021)  Electrically tunable photonic dispersion in multilayer black phosphorus. APS March Meeting, Abstract M60, 004.

A280) Crotteau M, Greenberger RN, Ehlmann BL, Rossman GR, Harris M, Kelemen PB, Teagle DAH, Oman Drilling Project Science Team (2021) Characterizing Hydration of the Ocean Crust Using Imaging Spectroscopy from Oman Drilling Project Cores. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Abstract V43B-02

A279) Dall J, Oze C, Celestian A, Rossman G (2021) Geochemistry of Chromium-Silicate Minerals. EGU General Assembly 2021, 19-30 Apr 2021, EGU212-1595, 2021. Abstract EGU21-1595
A278) Geiger CA, Rossman GR (2021) A new Paradigm for "Water" in Garnet: Micro- & Nano-Size Hydrogarnet Clusters. Goldschmidt2021 • Lyon, France • 4-9 July. Revised Jun 2022
A277) Geiger CA, Rossman GR (2021) “Water” in Calcium-Silicate Garnet: Micro- and Nano-Size Hydrogarnet Clusters. 3d European Mineralogical Conference, Krocow, Poland. 29-Aug to 2-Sep 2021.

A276) Palfey WR, Rossman GR, Goddard WA (2021) Hidden Hydrogen: A Study of Oxygen-Substituting Hydrogen Defects in Rutile. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Abstract MR25A-0060

A275) Pardo O, Dobrosavljevic VV, Perez T, Sturhahn W, Liu Z, Rossman GR, Toellner T, Jackson JM (2021) Lattice Dynamics of an Iron-bearing Hydrated Sulfate Under Icy Planetary Interior Conditions. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Abstract MR15A-0055 

2020 Publications

378) Chen YC, Lin WH, Tseng WS, Chen CC, Rossman GR, Chen CD, Wu YS, Yeh NC (2020) Direct growth of mm-size twisted bilayer graphene by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Carbon 156, 212-224.
377) Gaft M, Waychunas GA, Rossman GR, Nagli L, Panczer G, Cheskis D, Raichlin Y (2020) Red photoluminescence and purple color of naturally irradiated fluorite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 47, 1-11.

376) Geiger CA, Rossman GR (2020) Micro- and nano-size hydrogarnet clusters and proton ordering in calcium silicate garnet: Part I. The quest to understand the nature of “water” in garnet continues. American Mineralogist 105, 455-467.

375) Geiger CA, Rossman GR (2020) Micro- and nano-size hydrogarnet clusters in calcium silicate garnet: Part II. Mineralogical, petrological and geochemical aspects. American Mineralogist 105, 468-478.
374) Geiger CA, Rossman GR (2020) Micro- and nano-size hydrogrossular-like clusters in pyrope crystals from ultra-high-pressure rocks of the Dora-Maira Massif, western Alps. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 175:57, 1-14.

373) Kampf AR, Housley RM, Mills SJ, Rossman GR, Marty J (2020) Hagstromite, Pb8Cu2+(Te6+O6)2(CO3)Cl4, a new lead–tellurium oxysalt mineral from Otto Mountain, California. Mineralogical Magazine 84, 517-523.

372) Kampf AR, Housley RM, Rossman GR (2020) Northstarite, a new lead-tellurite-thiosulfate mineral from the North Star mine, Tintic, Utah, U.S.A. Canadian Mineralogist 48, 533-542.
Kampf AR, Housley RM, Rossman GR, Yang H, Downs RT (2020) Adanite, a new lead-tellurite-sulfate mineral, from the North Star Mine, Tintic, Utah, and Tombstone, Arizona, U.S.A. Canadian Mineralogist

370) Krot AN, Nagashim K, Rossman GR (2020) Machiite, Al2Ti3O9, a new oxide mineral from the Murchison carbonaceous chondrite: A new ultrarefractory phase from the solar nebula. American Mineralogist 105, 239-243.
369) Kurtz DA, Rossman GR, Hunter BM (2020) The Nature of the Mn(III) Color Centers in Elbaite Tourmalines. Inorganic Chemistry 59, 9618-9626.

368) Ma C, Krot AN, Beckett JR, Nagashima K, Tschauner O, Rossman GR, Simon SB, Bishoff A (2020) Warkite, Ca2Sc6Al6O20, a new mineral in carbonaceous chondrites and a key-stone phase in ultra-refractory inclusions from the solar system. Geochemica Cosmochemica Acta 277, 52-82.
367) Paque JM, Hofmann AE, Burnett DS, Guan Y, Jurewicz AJG, Woolum DS, Ma C, Rossman GR (2020) Electron microprobe/SIMS Determinations of Al in Olivine: Applications to Solar Wind, Pallasites, and Trace Element Anlayses. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 44, 473-484.

366) Rainoldi AL, Rossman GR, Di Martino L, Oteiza A (2020) Pink Amethyst from the El Choique mine, Patagonia Argentina. Mineralogical Record 51, 293-303.

365) Sun Z, Renfro ND, Palke AC, Breitzmann H, Muyal J,,Hand D, Hain M, McClure SF, Katsurada Y, Miura M, Rossma GR (2020) Sunstone Plagioclase Feldspar from Ethiopia. Gems & Gemology 56, 184-188.

2020 Abstracts

 A274) Geiger CA, Rossman GR (2020) Micro- and Nano-Size Hydrogarnet Clusters and Proton Ordering in Calcium Silicate Garnet: Part I. The Quest to Understand the Nature of "Water" in Garnet Continues. 3d European Mineralogical Conference, Cracow, Poland. 6-10 September, 2020.

2019 Publications

364Ertl A, Rakovan J, Hughes JM, Bernhardt HJ, Rossman GR (2019) Vanadium-rich muscovite from Austria: crystal structure, chemical analysis, and spectroscopic investigations. Canadian Mineralogist 57, 383-389.

363) Ertl A, Topa D, Giester G, Rossman GR, Tillmanns E, Konzett J (2019) Sr-bearing, high-pressure tourmaline from the Kreuzeck Mountains, Eastern Alps, Austria. European Journal of Mineralogy 31, 791-798.

Kampf AR, Cooper MA, Rossman GR, Nash BP, Hawthorne FC, Marty J (2019) Davidbrownite-(NH4), (NH4,K)5(V4+O)2(C2O4)[PO2.75(OH)1.25]4·3H2O, a new phosphate-oxalate mineral from the Rowley mine, Arizona, USA, Mineralogical Magazine 83, 869-877.. DOI:
361) Laurs B, Rossman GR (2019) Dark blue beryl from Pakistan. The Journal of Gemmology 36, 583-584. DOI:10.15506/JoG.2019.36.7.583.

360) Laurs BM, Williams C, Williams B, White J, Rossman GR (2019) Yellowish Green Enstatite (and Star Enstatite) from Tanzania. Journal of Gemmology 36, 691-693.,
359) Lin WH, Tseng WS, Went CM, Teague ML, Rossman GR, Atwater HA, Yeh NC (2020) Nearly 90% circularly polarized emission in monolayer WS2 single crystals by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). ACS Nano 14, 1350-1359. DOI:10.1021/acsnano.9b05550

 Mosenfelder JL, von der Handt A, Füri E, Dalou C, Hervig RL, Rossman GR, Hirschmann MM (2019) Nitrogen incorporation in silicates and metals: results from SIMS, EPMA, FTIR, and laser-extraction mass spectrometry. American Mineralogist 104, 31-46.

357) Palke AC, Sun Z, Renfro N, Henling LM, Ma C, Rossman GR, Thu K, Myo N, Wongrawange P, Weeramonkhonlert V (2019) Johnkoivuilaite: A new gem mineral. Gems & Gemology 55, 454-455.
356) Rossman GR (2019) Colors in Tourmaline. In Rubellite - Tourmaline Rouge. Mineral Monograph No. 20, p29-33.

355) Rossman GR, Ehlmann BL (2019) Electronic spectra of minerals in the visible and near-infrared regions. In: Remote Compositional Analysis, J Bishop, JR Bell and JE Moersch editors. Cambridge University Press; pp 3-20. doi: 10.1017/9781316888872
354) Sherrot MC, Whitney WS, Jariwala D, Iswas S, Went C, Wong J, Rossman GR, Atwater HA (2019) Anisotropic Quantum Well Electro-Optics in Few-Layer Black Phosphorus. Nano Letters 19, 269-276. DOI:10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b03876 

2019 Abstracts

A273) Chen YC, Lin WH, Tseng WS, Chen CC, Rossman GR, Wu YS, Chen CD, Yeh NC (2019) Direct growth of mm-size twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG) by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). American Physical Society, Boston, MA, March 4-8. Abstract F13.00005

A272) Ertl A, Rossman GR, Topa D (2019) Oxidized Mg- and Fe-rich tourmaline with significant amounts of Sr2+ and Pb4+. European Conference on Mineral Spectroscopy. Abstract

A271) Ertl A, Topa D, Rossman GR (2019) Sr-enriched high-presure tourmaline from a mafic eclogite. Geological Society of America, Phoenix, AZ. Abstract 6-3

A270) Hofmann AE, Paque JM, Burnett DS, Guan Y, Jurewicz AJG, Ma C, Rossman GR (2019) Genesis solar wind aluminum abundance: creating an aluminum sandard for SIMS analysis. 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Abstract 1337.

A269) Lin WH, Tseng WS, Went C, Rossman GR, Atwater HA, Yeh NC (2019) Nearly 90% circularly polarized emission in monolayer heterogeneous WS2 single crystals by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). American Physics Society, Boston, MA, March 4-8. Abstract F15.00002

A268) Lin WH, Wu PC, Rossman GR, Yeh NC, Atwater HA (2019) Enhancing and controlling circularly polarized emission in monolayer heterogeneous WS2 by plasmonic chiral metasurface. Materials Research Society, Phoenix, AZ, April. Abstract

A267) Palke AC, Henling LM, Ma C, Rossman GR, Sun Z, Renfro ND, Thu K (2019) Discovery of a possible new gem mineral of the beryl family from the Mogok stone tract, Myanmar. GSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Sept 22-25. Abstract 289-12 

2018 Papers

353) Calvert G, Swinder S, Ruta F, Rossman GR, Feigelson RS (2018) Determination of the crystallographic orientation of SrI2 crystals. Journal of Crystal Growth 498, 263-268.

352) Ehlmann BL, Hodyss RP, Bristow TF, Rossman GR, Ammannito E, de Sanetis MC, Raymond CA (2018) Ambient and cold-temperature infrared spectra and XRD patterns of ammoniated phyllosilicates and carbonaceous chondrite meteorites relevant to Ceres and other solar system bodies. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences 53, 1884-1901. DOI 10.1111/maps.13103

351) Evlyukhin E, Kim E, Cifigu P, Goldberger D, Schyck S, Harris B, Torres S, Rossman GR, Pravica M (2018). Synthesis of a Novel Strontium-based Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Via X-ray Photochemistry at Extreme Conditions. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6, 12473-12478.

350) Geiger CA, Dachs E, Vielreicher N, Rossman GR (2018) Heat capacity and entropy behavior of andradite: A multi-sample and -methdological investigation. European Journal of Mineralogy 30, 681-694.

Geiger CA, Rossman GR (2018) IR spectroscopy and OH- in silicate garnet: the long quest to document the hydrogarnet substitution. American Mineralogist 103, 364-393.
348) Hunter BM, Müller AM, Rossman GR, Hill MG, Winkler JR, Gray HB (2018) Trapping an Iron(VI) Water Splitting Intermediate in Nonaqueous Media. Joule 2, 1-17.
Kampf AR, Housley RM, Rossman GR (2018) Pararaisaite, the dimorth of raisaite, from the North Star Mine, Tintic, Utah, U.S.A. Canadian Mineralogist 56, 811-820. DOI: 10.3749/canmin.1800044.

346) Kampf AR, Housley RM, Rossman GR, Marty J, Chorazewicz M (2018) Bodieite, Bi3+2(Te4+O3)2(SO4), from the Tintic District, Utah, and the Masonic District, California, U.S.A. Canadian Mineralogist 56, 763-772. DOI: 10.3749/canmin.1800046.
345) Kampf AR, Rossman GR, Ma C, Belmonte D, Biagioni C, Castellaro F, Chiappino L (2018) Ramazzoite, [Mg8Cu12(PO4)(CO3)4(OH)24(H2O)20][(H0.33SO4)3(H2O)36], the first mineral with a polyoxometalate cation. European Journal of Mineralogy 30, 827-834. DOI: 10.1127/ejm/2018/0030-2748. 

344) Laurs BM, Rossman GR (2018) Grape-like 'Manakarra' quartz from Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Gemmology 36, 101-102.
343) Laurs BM, Rossman GR (2018) Titanite (sphene) from Zimbabwe. Journal of Gemmology 35, 201-202.
342) Liu Y, Chen Y, Guan Y , Ma C, Rossman GR, Eiler JM, Zhang Y (2018) Impact-melt hygrometry for Mars: The case of shergottite Elephant Moraine (EETA) 79001. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 490, 206-215. 

341) Ma C, Tschauner O, Beckett JR, Rossman GR, Prescher C, Prakapenka VB, Bechtel HA, Macdowell A (2018) Liebermannite, KAlSi3O8, a new shock-metamorophic, high-pressure mineral from Zagami Martian meteorite. Meteortics & Planetary Science, 53, 50-61. DOI: 10.1111/maps.13000
340) Tschauner O, Huang S, Greenberg E, Ma C, Rossman G, Shen AH, Bechtel H, Chen B, Zhang D, Dera P, Mewville M, Lanzirotti A, Kait K (2018) Ice-VII inclusions in diamonds -Evidence for water-saturated regions in the mantle transition zone. Science 359, 1136-1139. DOI: 10.1126/science.aao3030
339) Williams C, Williams B, Kelley P, Rossman GR, Laurs BM (2018) Cr-bearing green spodumene from northern Nigeria. Journal of Gemmology 35, 200-201. 

2018 Abstracts

A266) Hofmann AE, Paque JM, Burnett DS, Guan Y, Jurewicz AJG, Ma C, Rossman GR (2018) Genesis Solar Wind Aluminum Abundance: Challenges with Electron Microprobe Analyses of Al in Olivine. 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #1526 (E-Poster)
A265) Hunter B, Thompson N, Mueller A, Rossman G, Hill M, Winkler J, Gray H (2018) Trapping an iron(VI) water-splitting intermediate in nonaqueous media. 256th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, 19-23 August 2018, Boston, MA.
A264) Tschauner O, Huang S, Zhang W, Wu Z, Ma C, Greenberg E, Prakapenka V, Rossman GR (2018) Ice-VII inclusions in diamond as indicators for deep mantle fluids. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C. December 10-14. Abstract MR21A-01.
A263) Whitney W, Sherrott M, Jariwala D, Went C, Wong J, Rossman G, Atwater G (2018) Field-Effect Induced Linear Dichroism in Black Phosphorus from the Visible to Mid-Infrared. American Physical Society March Meeting Abstracts 2018, R37. 006

2017 Papers

338) Gaillou E, Rossman GR (2017) On the beauty of defects. In: Diamond - The Ultimate Gemstone. J Harris editor. Mineral Monograph 19, 40-53.
337) Hui H, Guan Y, Chen Y, Peslier AH, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Flemming RL, Rossman GR, Eiler JM, Neal CR, Osinski GR (2017) A heterogeneous lunar interior for hydrogen isotopes as revealed by the lunar highlands samples. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 473, 14-23.
336) Kampf AR, Rossman GR, Ma C, WIllimans PA (2016) Kyawthuite, Bi3+Sb5+O4, a new gem mineral from Mogok, Burma (Myanmar). Mineralogical Magazine 81, 477-484. DOI:

335) Pieczka A, Hawthorne FC, Ma C, Rossman GR, Szełęg E, Szuszkiewicz A, Turniak K, Nejbert K, Ilnicki SS (2015) Żabińskiite, ideally Ca[Al0.5(Ta,Nb)0.5](SiO4)O, a new mineral of the titanite group from the Piława Górna anatectic pegmatite, southwestern Poland. Mineralogical Magazine 81, 591-610; DOI:
334) Rossman GR (2017) Coloration of green dravite from the Commander Mine, Tanzania. The Journal of Gemmology 35, 575-575.
333) Solomatova NV, Jackson JM, Sturhahn W, Rossman GR, Rosckosz M (2017) Electronic environments of ferrous iron in rhyolitic and basaltic glasses at high pressure. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122, 306-6322; doi: 10.1002/2017JB014363
332) Westhues A, Hanchar JM, Voisey CR, Whitehouse MJ, Rossman GR, Wirth R (2017) Tracing the fluid evolution of the Kiruna iron oxide apatite deposits using zircon, monazite, and whole rock trace elements and isotopic studies. Chemical Geology 466, 303-322.
331) Whitney WS, Sherrott MC, Jariwala D, Lin WH, Bechtel HA, Rossman GR, Atwater HA (2017) Field Effect Optoelectronic Modulation of Quantum-Confined Carriers in Black Phosphorus.Nano Letters 17, 78-84. DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b03362

2017 Abstracts

A262) Ehlmann BL, Hodyss R, Ammannito E, Rossman GR, De Sanctis MC, Raymond CA (2017) Ammoniation of phyllosilicates, carbonateceoius chondrite meteorites, and implications for the ammoniated materaials on Ceres. 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Abstract 2088.
A261) Palke AC, Rossman GR (2017) Heat treatment of gem quality andradite (var. demantoid): Is intervalence charge transfer necessary for brown coloration in andradite? Geological Society of America, Seattle, WA. Abstract 294617

A260) Smith A, Oze C, Rossman GR, Celestian AJ (2017) Raman and FTIR spectroscopy of methane in olivine. AGU Fall Meeting, 11-15 Dec, New Orleans, LA. Abstract V43C-0545.
A259) Solomatova NV, Jackson JM, Asimow PD, Sturhahn W, Rossman GR, Roskosz M (2017) Computational and experimental studies of iron-bearing carbonates and silicate glasses at lower mantle pressures. 9th High Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar, September 24-28, 2017, Saint Malo, France. Abstract 163305
A258) Solomatova NV, Jackson JM, Asimow PD, Sturhahn W, Rossman GR, Roskosz M (2017) Computational and experimental studies of iron-bearing carbonates and silicate glasses at lower mantle pressures. COMPRES, July 9-12, New Mexico. Abstract 58
A257) Solomatova NV, Jackson JM, Asimow PD, Sturhahn W, Rossman GR, Roskosz M (2017) Computational and experimental studies of iron-bearing carbonates and silicate glasses at lower mantle pressures. AGU Fall Meeting, 11-15 Dec, New Orleans, LA. Abstract DI11B-04 

2016 Papers

330) Blacksberg J, Alerstam E, Maruyama Y, Cochrane C, Rossman GR (2016) A Miniaturized Time-Resolved Raman Spectrometer for Planetary Science Based on a Fast Single Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) Detector Array. Applied Optics 55, 739-748.

Ertl A, Kolitsch U, Dyar MD, Meyer HP, Rossman GR, Henry DJ, Prem M, Ludwig T, Nasdala L, Lengauer CL, Tillmanns E, Niedermayr G (2016) Fluor-schorl, a new member of the tourmaline supergroup and additional data about schorl from the area of the cotype localities. European Journal of Mineralogy 28, 163-167. DOI:

328) Fitzgerald S, Leavens PB, Yap GPA, Rose T, Rossman GR (2016) Vesuvianite from Pajsberg,Sweden, and the role of Be in the vesuvianite structure. Canadian Mineralogist 54,1525-1537.

327) Kampf AR, Cooper MA, Mills SJ, Housley RM, Rossman GR (2016) Lead–tellurium oxysalts from Otto Mountain near Baker, California: XII. Andychristyite, PbCu2+Te6+O5(H2O), a new mineral with HCP stair-step layers. Mineralogical Magazine 80, 1055-1065.
326) Kampf AR, Housley RM, Rossman GR (2016) Wayneburnhamite, Pb9Ca6(Si2O7)3(SiO4)3, an apatite polysome – the Mn-free analogue of ganomalite from Crestmore, California. American Mineralogist 101, 2423-2439. DOI:

325) Ma C, Tschauner O, Beckett JR, Liu Y, Rossman GR, Stanislav V, Sinogeikin S, Smith J, Taylor LA (2016) Ahrensite, γ-Fe2SiO4, a new shock-metamorphic mineral from the Tissinte meteorite - implications for the Tissint shock event on Mars. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 184, 240-256.

324) Perrin J, Vielzeuf D, Laporte D, Ricolleau A, Rossman GR, Floquet N (2016) Raman characterization of synthetic Mg calcites. American Mineralogist; 101, 2525-25238. DOI:

323) Rossman GR, Ma C, Laurs BM (2016) Yellow dravite from Tanzania. Journal of Gemmology 35, 190-192.
322) Taylor LA, Logvinova A, Howarth GH, Liu Y, Peslier A, Rossman GR, Guan Y, Chen Y, Sobolev NV (2016) Low water contents in diamond mineral inclusions: Proto-genetic origin in a dry cratonic lithosphere. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 433, 125-132.
321) Zwaan JC, Pezzotta F, Rossman GR (2016) Orange-red to yellowish brown cordierite from Madagascar. The Journal of Gemmology 35, 8-9.
 2016 Abstracts

A256) Blacksberg J, Alerstam E, Maruyama Y, Cochrane C, Rossman GR (2016) Microscopic Mapping of Minerals and Organics: A Modular Pulsed Raman Spectrometer Adaptable to Both Small and Large Landed Planetary Missions. American Geophysical Union , San Francisco, CA, 12-16 December, 2016. Abstract 2144.

A255) Blacksberg J, Alerstam E, Maruyama Y, Cochrane C, Rossman GR (2016) High-Speed Pulsed Raman for Mapping of Minerals and Organics on a Microscopic Scale. 3d International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions, Pasadena, CA, 24-27 October, 2016. Abstract 4017.

A254) Dyar MD, Breitenfeld LB, Carey CJ, Bartholomew P, Tague TJ, Wang P, Mertzmann S, Byrne SA, Crowley MC, Leight C, Watts E, Caleb CJ, Celestian A, McKeeby B, Jaret S, Glotch T, Berlanga G, Misra AK, Schwartz C, Rossman G, Roy A, Padlo T (2016) Interlaboratory and Cross-Instrumnent Comparison of Raman Spectra of 96 Minerals.
47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, TX, 21-25 March, 2016. Poster.
A253) Geiger CA, Brearley AJ, Dachs E, Tipplet G, Rossman GR (2016) A Study of Defect Behavior in Almandine Garnet. American Geophysical Union , San Francisco, CA, 12-16 December, 2016. Abstract MR42A-03.
A252) Hadnott BH, Hayes AH, Glotch TD, Rossman GR, Leao JB (2016) Characterization of the Temperature Dependence of O-H Vibrational Modes in Hydrated and Hydroxylated Minerals, with Application to Planetary Exploration. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, TX, 21-25 March, 2016. Abstract 2547.

A251) Thomas NH, Ehlmann BL, Clegg SM, Forni O, Schröder S, Anderson DE, Rapin W, Cousin A, Meslin PY, Laslue J, Delapp DM, McInroy RE, Dyar MD, Rossman GR, Gasnault O, Wiens RC, Maurice S. (2016) Chacterization of Hydrogen in Basaltic Materials with Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, TX, 21-25 March, 2016. Abstract 2494.

A250) Westhues A, Hanchar JM, Voisey CM, Whitehouose MJ, Rossman GR,  Wirth R (2016) Hydrothermal influences on zircon from the Kiruna iron apatite ore district in the Norrbotten region of northern Sweden; a comprehensive goechemical study. Altantic Geology 52. Geological Association of Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Section. 2016 Technical Meeting. Abstract

2015 Publications

320) Chen Y, Liu Y, Guan Y, Eiler J, Ma C, Rossman GR, Taylor LA (2015). Evidence in Tissint for recent subsurface water on Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 425, 55-63.

319) Chemtob SM, Rossman GR, Young ED, Ziegler K, Moynier F, Eiler JM, Hurowitz J (2015) Si isotope systematics of acidic weathering of fresh basalts, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai’i. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 169, 63-81. 
318) Ma C, Tschauner O, Beckett JR, Liu Y, Rossman GR, Zuravlev K, Prakapenka V, Dera P, Taylor LA (2015) Tissintite, (Ca, Na, □)AlSi2O6, a highly-defective, shock-induced, high-pressure clinopyroxene in the Tissint martian meteorite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 422, 194-205. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.03.057
317) Mosenfelder JL, Rossman GR, Johnson EA (2015) Hydrous Species in Feldspars: a Reassessment Based on FTIR and SIMS. American Mineralogist. 100, 1209-1221.
316) Varghese JO, Agbo P, Sutherland AM, Brar VW, Rossman GR, Gray HB, Heath JR (2015) The influence of water on the optical properties of single-layer molybdenum disulfide. Advanced Materials 27, 2734-2740. DOI: 10.1002/adma/201500555.
315) Williams C, Williams B, Rossman GR, Laurs BM, Hoover D (2015) Purple garnets from East Africa. Journal of Gemmology 34, 656-658
2015 Abstracts

A249) Blacksberg J, Alerstam E, Maruyama Y, Cochrane C, Rossman GR (2015) Advances in time-resolved Raman spectroscopy for in situ characterization of minerals and organics. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, TX, 16-20 March, 2015. Abstract 1304.
A248) Blacksberg J, Alerstam E, Maruyama Y, Cochrane C, Rossman GR (2015) Advances in Raman spectroscopy for in situ identification of minerals and organics on diverse planetary surfaces: from Mars to Titan. 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA. Abstract
A247) Chen Y, Liu Y, Guan Y, Eiler JM, Ma C, Rossman GR (2015) Surface and magnatic water signatures in EETA 79001 impact melts. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, TX, 16-20 March, 2015. Abstract 2291.
A246) Hanchar JM, Westhues A, Voisey CR, Whitehouse MJ, Rossman GR (2015) U-PB, Hf, O, trace element, and H2O, constraints for the Kiruna apatite iron oxide deposits, Sweden. Goldschmidt Conference, 16-21 August 2015, Prague, Czech Republic. Abstract 1166.

A245) Hui H, Guan Y, Chen Y, Peslier AH, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Rossman GR, Eiler JM, Neal CR (2015) SIMS analysis of water abundance and hydrogen isotope in lunar highland plagioclase. 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, TX, 16-20 March, 2015. Abstract 1927.

A244) Ma C, Tschauner O, Beckett JR, Rossman GR (2015) Libermannite: a new potassic hollandite (KAlSi3O8) from the Zagami basaltic shergottite. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, TX, 16-20 March, 2015. Abstract 1401.
A243) Tschauner O, Ma C, Beckett J, Rossman GR (2015) Reconstruction of shock conditions and recovery paths in shock melt veins and pockets in martian and chondritic meteorites. AGU -GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Assembly, 2-7 May, 2015, Montreal, Canada. Abstract P12A-01
A242) Voisey CR, Westhues A, Hanchar JM, Rossman GR (2015) Hydrothermal influence on zircon from the Kiruna IOA ores - a comprehensive geochemical study of zircon crystals from the Kiruna iron apatite ore district in the Norrbotten region of northern Sweden. AGU -GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Assembly, 2-7 May, 2015, Montreal, Canada. Abstract MD32A-03

2014 Papers

314) Chemtob SM, Rossman GR (2014) Timescales and mechanisms of formation of amorphous silica coatings on fresh basalts at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 286, 41-54.

Gaillou E, Rossman GR (2014) Color in natural diamonds: the beauty of defects. Rocks & Minerals 89, 66-74.
312) Kampf AR, Adams PM, Housley RM, Rossman GR (2014) Fluorowardite, NaAl3(PO4)2F2(OH)2(H2O)2, the fluorine analogue of wardite from the Silver Coin mine, Valmy, Nevada. American Mineralogist 99, 804-810.

311) Kampf AR, Hughes JM, Nash BP, Wright SE, Rossman GR, Marty J (2013) Ophirite, Ca2Mg4[Zn2Mn3+2(H2O)2(Fe3+W9O34)2]•46H2O, a new mineral with a heteropolytungstate tri-lacunary Keggin anion. American Mineralogist 99, 1045-1051. Open Access: Abstract; full text

310) LanT, Li CW, Niedziela JL, Smith H, Abernathy DL, Rossman GR, Fultz B (2014) Anharmonic lattice dynamics of cuprite Ag2O studied by inelastic neutron scattering and first principles molecular dynamics sumulations. Physics Review B 89, 054306 (1-10).
309) Ma C, Beckett JR, Rossman GR (2014) Monipite, MoNiP, a new phosphide mineral in a Ca-Al-rich inclusiomn from the Allende meteorite. American Mineralogist 99, 198-205.
308) Ma C, Beckett JR, Rossman GR (2014) Allendeite (Sc4Zr3O12) and hexamolybdenum (Mo,Ru,Fe), two new minerals from an ultrarefractory inclusion from the Allende meteorite. American Mineralogist 99, 654-666.
307) Mills SJ, Kampf AR, Christy AG, Housley RM, Rossman GR, Reynolds RE, Marty J (2014) Bluebellite and mojaveite, two new minerals from the central Mojave Desert, California, USA. Mineralogical Magazine 78, 1325-1340. doi:10.1180/minmag.2014.078.5.15.
306) Rossman GR (2014) Optical Spectroscopy. In Reviews in Mineralogy, vol 78, Spectroscopy Methods in Mineralogy and Material Sciences. Mineralogical Society of America., Henderson GS, Neuville DR, Downs RT, eds. p 371-398.
305) Rossman GR, Laurs BM (2014) Orange lizardite from South Africa. Journal of Gemmology. 34, 98-99.
304) Thomas T, Rossman GR, Sandstrom M (2014) Device and Method of Optically Orienting Biaxial Crystals for Sample Preparation. Reviews of Scientific Instruments 85, 093105.

303) Tschauner O, Ma C, Beckett JR, Prescher C, Prakapenka V, Rossman GR (2014) Discovery of Bridgmanite, the most abundant mineral in the Earth, in a shocked meteorite. Science 346, 1100-1102. DOI:10.1126/science.1259369
 2014 Abstracts

A241) Alerstam E, Blacksberg J, Maruyama Y, Cochrane C, Rossman GR (2014) A minature time-resolved Raman spectrometer for in situ planetary surface exploration. International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions (IPM-2014), Greenbelt, Maryland - November 4-7, 2014. Abstract 1077.

A240) Blacksberg J, Maruyama Y, Alerstam E, Charbon C, Rossman GR, Shkolyar S, Farmer J (2014) Time-Resolved Raman Spectroscopy of Mars Analog Minerals and Organics.45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, TX, 17-21 March, 2014. Abstract 1544
A239) Blacksberg J, Alerstam E, Maruyama Y, Cochrane C, Rossman GR (2014) Time-Resolved Raman Spectroscopy for Planetary Science. 11th International GeoRaman Conference, June 15-19, 2014, St. Louis, Missourri. Abstract 5055
A238) Chen Y, Liu Y, Guan Y, Eiler JM, Ma C, Rossman GR, Taylor LA (2014) Unusual Interaction between Masrtian Surface and Magmatic Reservoirs. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, TX, 17-21 March, 2014. Abstract 2425.
A237) Chen Y, Liu Y, Guan Y, Eiler JM, Ma C, Rossman GR, Taylor LA (2014) Multiple Martian Volatile Reservoirs Preserved in Tissint and Other Martian Meteorites. The Eighth International Conference on Mars, Pasadena, CA, 14-18 May, 2014. Abstract 1382.
A236) Ma C, Tschauner O, Liu Y, Beckett JR, Rossman GR, Zuravlev K, Prakapenka V, Dera P, Sinogeikin S, Smith J, Taylor LA (2014) Discovery of ahrensite gamma-Fe2SiO4 and tissinite (Ca,Na,[])AlSi2O6. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, TX, 17-21 March, 2014. Abstract 1222.

A235) Ma C, Tschauner O, Liu Y, Beckett JR, Rossman GR, Zuravlev K, Prakapenka V, Dera P, Sinogeikin S, Smith J, Taylor LA (2014) First New Minerals from Mars: Discovery of Ahrensite γ-Fe2SiO4 and Tissintite (Ca,Na,□)AlSi2O6, Two High Pressure Phases from the Tissint Martian Meteorite. The Eighth International Conference on Mars, Pasadena, CA, 14-18 May, 2014. Abstract 1317

A234) Ma C, Tschauner O, Beckett JR, Liu Y, Rossman GR, Zuravlev K, Prakapenka V, Dera P, Taylor LA (2014) Tissintite (Ca,Na,□)AlSi2O6: A shock-induced clinopyroxene in the Tissint meteorite. 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Casablanca, Morocco, 7-12 Sept-2014. Abstract 5166

A233) Mills SJ, Kampf AR, Christy AG, Housley RM, Rossman GR, Reynolds RE, Marty J (2014) Mojaveite and bluebellite, two new minerals from the central Mojave Desert. Desert Symposium, Zzyzx, CA, 18-21, 2014. Abstract p165-167. 

A232) Mosenfelder JL, Rossman GR, Johnson EA (2014) Measurement of hydrogen in igneous feldspars by FTIR and SIMS: progress towards a quantitative geohygrometer. Goldschmidt 2014, Sacramento, CA, 8-13 June, 2014. Abstract 1734

A231) Mosenfelder JL, Rossman GR (2014) Matrix Effects in SIMS Analysis of Hydrogen in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals (NAMs). 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA 15-19 Dec. Abstract V41A-4763

2013 Papers

302) Gaft M, Nagli L, Panczer, Rossman GR (2013) Laser-induced time-resolved luminescence of Cr3+ in kyanite. Journal of Spectroscopy and Dynamics 3:22, 1-11.

301) Gaillou E, Rossman GR (2013) Price versus rarity of fancy-colored diamonds: does it make sense? InColor 24, 20-28.

300) Gaillou E, Rossman GR (2013) Sur la beauté de défauts: Couleur des diamants naturels. Revue de l'Association Française de Gemmologie 185, 42-48.

299) Johnson EA, Rossman GR (2013) The diffusion behavior of hydrogen in plagioclase feldspar at 800-1000°C: Implications for OH re-equilibration in volcanic phenocrysts. American Mineralogist 98, 1779-1787.
298) Kampf AR, Mills SJ, Housley RM, Rossman GR, Marty J, Thorne B (2013) Lead–tellurium oxysalts from Otto Mountain near Baker, California: X. Bairdite, Pb2Cu2+4Te6+2O10(OH)2(SO4)·H2O, a new mineral with thick HCP layers. American Mineralogist 98, 1315-1321.

297) Kampf AR, Mills SJ, Housley RM, Rossman GR, Marty J, Thorne B (2013) Lead–tellurium oxysalts from Otto Mountain near Baker, California: XI. Eckhardite, (Ca,Pb)Cu2+Te6+O5(H2O), a new mineral with HCP stair-step layers. American Mneralogist 98, 1617-1623.

296) Kampf AR, Mills SJ, Housley RM, Rossman GR, Nash BP, Dini M, Jenkins RA (2013) Joteite, Cu2CuAl[AsO4)[AsO3(OH)]2(OH)2·5H2O, a new arsenate with a sheet structure and unconnected acid arsenate groups. Mineralogical Magazine, 77, p2811-2823.

295) Kampf AR, Mills SJ, Nash BP, Housley RM, Rossman GR, Dini M (2013) Camaronesite, [Fe3+(H2O)2(PO3OH)]2(SO4) ·1-2H2O, a new phosphate-sulfate from the Camarones Valley, Chile, structurally related to taranakite. Mineralogical Magazine 77, 453-465.

294) Ma C, Tschauner O, Beckett JR, Rossman GR, Liu W (2013) Kangite, (Sc,Ti,Al,Zr,Mg,Ca,)2O3, a new ultra-refractory scandia mineral from the Allende meteorite: Synchrotron micro-Laue diffraction and electron backscatter diffraction. American Mineralogist 98, 870–878.
293) Medenbach O, Siritanon T, Subramanian MA, Shannon RD, Fischer RX, Rossman G R (2013) Refractive index and optical dispersion of In2O3, InBO3 and gahnite. Materials Research Bulletin 48, 2240-2243.

292) Mosenfelder JL, Rossman GR (2013) Analysis of hydrogen and fluorine in pyroxenes by SIMS and FTIR: Part I. Orthopyroxene. American Mineralogist 98, 1026-1041.
291) Mosenfelder JL, Rossman GR (2013) Analysis of hydrogen and fluorine in pyroxenes by SIMS and FTIR: Part II. Clinopyroxene. American Mineralogist 98, 1042-1054.

290) Novák M, Ertl A, Povondra P, Galiová MV, Rossman GR, Pristacz H, Prem M, Giester G, Gadas P, Škoda R (2013) Darrellhenryite, NaLiAl2Al6(BO3)3Si6O18(OH)2O, a new mineral from the tourmaline supergroup. American Mineralogist 98, 1886-1892.

289) Pieczka A, Evans RJ, Grew ES, Groat LA, Ma C, Rossman GR (2013) The dumortierite supergroup. I. A new nomenclature for the dumortierite and holtite groups. Mineralogical Magazine 77, 2825-2839.

288) Pieczka A, Evans RJ, Grew ES, Groat LA, Ma C, Rossman GR (2013) The dumortierite supergroup. II. Three new minerals from the Szklary pegmatite, SW Poland: Nioboholtite, (Nb0.60.4)Al6BSi3O18, titanoholtite, (Ti0.750.25)Al6BSi3O18, and szklaryite, Al6BAs3+3O15. Mineralogical Magazine 77, 2841-2856.

2013 Abstracts

A230) Blacksberg J, Maruyama Y, Alerstam E, Choukroun M, Charbon E, Rossman GR (2013) Combined Microscopic Raman and LIBS for planetary surface exploration using a fast time-gated detector. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, 18-22 March, 2013. Abstract 2393.
A229) Blacksberg J, Alerstam E, Maruyama Y, Charbon E, Rossman GR (2013) Planetary Surface Exploration Using Time-Resolved Laser Spectroscopy on Rovers and Landers. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2013. Abstract 5983.
A228) Blacksberg J, Alerstam E, Maruyama Y, Charbon E, Rossman GR, Shkolyar S, Farmer J (2013) Planetary surface exploration using Raman spectroscopy for minerals and organics. American Geophysical Union, Annual Conference, Dec, 2013. Abstract 1803.
A227) Chemtob SM, Rossman GR, Young ED, Ziegler K, Eiler JM, Hurowitz JA (2013) Si isotope systematics of acidic alteration of fresh Kilauean basalts. Goldschmidt Conference, Florence, Italy, Aug 2013, Abstract p864; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.3.

A226) Ehlmann BL, Clegg SM, Anderson RB, Forni O, Laslue J, Lanza NL, Meslin PY, Ollila AM, Dyar MD, Stolper EM, Rossman GR, Sautter V, Blaney D, Clark BC, Maurice S, Wiens RC, MSL Team (2013) An expanded training set for processing of MSL ChemCam LIBS data: spectral library samples added and effects on PLS elemental composition results from mars. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, TX, 18-22 March, 2013. Abstract 2600.
A225) Liu Y, Guan Y, Chen Y, Zhang Y, Eiler JM, Rossman GR, Taylor LA (2013) Hydroxyl in lunar regolith: dependence on soil composition and maturity. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, TX, 18-22 March, 2013. Abstract 2203.
A224) Liu Y, Guan Y, Chan Y, Zhang Y, Rossman GR, Taylor LA (2013) Water on airless terrestrial bodies: lunar case study. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 45, No. 7, p.188

A223) Ma C, Beckett JR, Connolly HC, Rossman GR (2013) Discovery of Meteoritic Loveringite, Ca(Ti,Fe,Cr,Mg)21O38, in an Allende Chondrule: Late-Stage Crystallization in a Melt Droplet. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodlands, TX, 18-22 March, 2013. Abstract 1443.

A222) Ma C, Rossman GR (2013) Nanomineralogy of gemstones: From genesis to discovery. Goldschmidt Conference, Florence, Italy, Aug, 2013. Abstract p1661; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.13.

A221) Rossman GR (2013) Geochemical methods to address the challenges facing modern gemological research. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 45, No. 7, p.524 

2012 Papers

287) Chemtob SM, Rossman GR, Stebbins JF (2012) Natural hydrous amorphous silica: quantitation of network speciation and hydroxyl content by 29Si MAS NMR and vibrational spectroscopy. American Mineralogist 97, 203-211.
286) Ertl A, Giester G, Ludwig T, Meyer HP, Rossman GR (2012) Synthetic B-rich olenite: correlations of single-crystal structural data. American Mineralogist, 97, 1591-1597.
285) Ertl A, Kolitsch U, Dyar MD, Hughes JM, Rossman GR, Pieczka A, Henry D (2012) Limitations of Fe2+ and Mn2+ site occupancy in tourmaline: evidence from Fe2+- and Mn2+-rich tourmaline. American Mineralogist, 97, 1402-1416.
284) Ertl A, Schuster R, Hughes JM, Ludwig T, Meyer HP, Finger F, Dyar MD, Ruschel K, Rossman GR, Klötzli U, Brandstätter F, Lengauer CL, Tillmans E (2012) Li-bearing tourmalines in Variscan granitic pegmatites from the Moldanubicum nappes, Lower Austria. European Journal of Mineralogy 24, 695-715.
283) Gaft M, Strek W, Nagli L, Panczer G, Rossman GR, Marciniak L (2012) Laser-induced time-resolved luminescence of natural sillimanite, Al2SiO5, and artificial Al2SiO5 activated by chromium. Journal of Luminescence 132, 2855-2862.

282) Hurowitz JA, Hecht MH, Zimmerman WF, Neidholdt EL, Sinha MP, Sturhahn W, Coleman M, McCleese DJ, Farley KA, Eiler JM, Rossman GR, Waltenberg K (2012) In Situ Potassium-Argon Geochronology Using Fluxed Fusion and a Double Spike.
NASA Tech Briefs, June 2012. Report NPO-48099.

281) Laurs BM, Rossman GR, Macri M, Simmons WB, Falster AU (2012) Yellow muscovite from Brazil. Gems & Gemology 48, 225-226.
280) Liu Y, Guan Y, Zhang Y, Rossman GR, Eiler J, Taylor LA (2012) Direct measurement of hydroxyl in the lunar regolith and the origin of lunar surface water. Nature Geoscience, 5, 779-782, doi 10.1038/ngeo1601.
279) Ma C, Beckett JR, Rossman GR (2012) Browneite, MnS, a new sphalerite-group mineral from the Zakłodzie meteorite. American Mineralogist 97, 2056-2059.
278) Ma C, Beckett JR, Rossman GR (2012) Buseckite, (Fe,Zn,Mn)S, a new mineral from Zakłodzie meteorite. American Mineralogist 97, 1226-1233.
277) Ma C, Tschauner O, Beckett JR, Rossman GR, Liu W (2012) Panguite, (Ti4+,Sc,Al,Mg,Zr,Ca)1.8O3, a new ultra-refractory titania mineral from the Allende meteorite: Synchrotron micro-diffraction and EBSD. American Mineralogist 97, 1219-1225. DOI: 10.2138/am.2012.4027.

276) Stipe CB, Guevara E, Brown J, Rossman GR (2012) Quantitative Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Potassium for In-Situ Geochronology on Mars. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 70, 45-50.

2012 Abstracts

A220) Blacksberg J, Maruyama Y, Choukroun M, Charbon E, Rossman GR (2012) New microscopic laser-coupled spectroscopy instrument combining Raman, LIBS, and fluorescence for planetary surface Mineralogy. 43d Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 1510. PDF file.

A219) Blacksberg J, Maruyama Y, Choukroun M, Charbon E, Rossman GR (2012) Maximizing science return from a single on-surface mineralogy tool: combined Raman, LIBS, and fluorescence spectroscopy. Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration, Lunar Planetary Institute, 2012, Abstract 4309. PDF file.

A218) Blacksberg J, Maruyama Y, Choukroun M, Charbon E, Rossman GR (2010) Combined Raman and LIBS for planetary surface exploration: enhanced science return enabled by time-resolved laser spectroscopy. NASA, International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions (IPM-2012), Greenbelt, MD, Oct, 2012. Abstract 1044.
A217) Blacksberg J, Rossman GR, Webster CR (2012) In Situ Techniques for Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Small Bodies. Abstract 1469463 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec. PDF file.
A216) Hurowitz JA, Farley KA, Jacobson NS, Asimow PD, Cartwright JA, Eiler JM, Rossman GR, Waltenberg K (2012) A New Approach to In-Situ K-Ar Geochronology. International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions Abstract #1146
A215) Liu Y, Guan YB, Zhang Y, Rossman GR, EIler J, Taylor LA (2012) Lunar surface water in agglutinates: orgin and abundances. 43d Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 1864. PDF file.

A214) Liu Y, Mosenfelder JL, Guan Y, Rossman GR, Eiler JM, Taylor LA (2012) SIMS analysis of nominally anhydrous minerals in lunar basalts. 43d Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 1866. PDF file.
A213) Ma C, Beckett JR, Rossman GR (2012) Discovery of Buseckite, (Fe,Zn,Mn)S, a New Mineral in Zakłodzie, an Ungrouped Enstatite-rich Achondrite. 43d Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 1520. PDF file.
A212) Ma C, Tschauner O, Beckett JR, Rossman GR, Liu W (2012) Discovery of kangite, (Sc,Ti,Al,Zr,Mg,Ca,2O3, a new ultra-refractory mineral in Allende. Meteoritical Society, Carins, Australia. August 2012. Abstract 5004. PDF file.

A211) Maruyama Y, Blacksberg J, Rossman GR, Charbon E (2012) A time-resolved 128x128 SPAD camera for laser Raman spectroscopy. SPIE Conference, Baltimore, MD, April, 2012. Paper 8374-23. PDF file
A210) Mosenfender JL, Rossman GR (2012) Fluorine in the mantle: the role of nominally anhydrous minerals. Abstract 1481933 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec. PDF file
A209) Reach WT, Yesaltis M, Rossman GR (2012) Infrared spectroscopy of exterrestrial materials. Abstract 1484811 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec. PDF file

2011 Papers

275) Abduriyim A, McClure SF, Rossman GR, Leelawatanasuk T, Hughes RW, Laurs BM, Lu R, Isatelle F, Scarratt K, Dubinsky EV, Douthit TR, Emmett JL (2011) Research on gem feldspar from the Shigatse region of Tibet. Gems & Gemology 47, 167-180.
274) Blacksberg J, Maruyama Y, Charbon E, Rossman GR (2011) Fast single-photon avalance diode arrays for laser Raman spectrosocpy. Optics Letters 36, 3672-3674.
273) (2011) Laser-induced time-resolved luminescence of orange kyanite Al2SiO5. Optical Materials 23, 1476-1480.
272) Hughes, JM, Rakovan J, Ertl A, Rossman GR, Baksheev I, Bernhardt H-J (2011) Dissymmetrization in tourmaline: the atomic arrangement of optically sectoral-zoned triclinic Ni-bearing Mg-rich tourmaline. Canadian Mineralogist 49, 29-40.
271) Kampf AR, Mills SJ, Rossman GR, Steele IM, Pluth JJ, Favreau G (2011) Afmite, Al3(OH)4(H2O)3(PO4)(PO3OH)·H2O, a new mineral from Fumade, Tarn, France. European Journal of Mineralogy 23, 269-277.
270) Ma C, Beckett JR, Rossman GR (2011) Murchisite, Cr5S6, a new mineral from the Murchison meteorite. American Mineralogist. 96, 1905-1908
269) Ma C, Connolly HC, Beckett JR, Rossman GR, Kampf AR, Zega TJ, Tschauner O, Sweeney Smith SA, Schrader DL (2011) Brearleyite, Ca12Al14O32Cl2, a new mineral from the NWA 1934 meteorite: SAED ring pattern and Rietveld refinement. American Mineralogist 96, 1199-1206.
268) Ma C, Kampf A, Connolly HC, Beckett JR, Rossman GR, Sweeney Smith SA, Schrader DL (2011) Krotite, CaAl2O4, a new refractory mineral from the NWA 1934 meteorite. American Mineralogist 96, 709-715.
267) McClure SF, Rossman GR, Scaratt K (2011) A Study of Andesine Matrix Specimens Purported to be from Tibet. A report accompaning Abduriyim et al. Gems & Gemology 47, p167.
266) Mills S, Kartashov P, Ma C, Rossman GR, Novgorodova M, Kampf A, Raudsepp M (2011) Yttriaite-(Y): the natural occurrence of Y2O3 from the Bol'shaya Pol'ya river, Subpolar Urals, Russia. American Mineralogist 96, 1166-1170.

265) Mosenfelder JL, Le Voyer M, Rossman GR, Guan Y, Bell DR, Asimow PD, Eiler J (2011) Analysis of hydrogen in olivine by SIMS: evaluation of standards and protocol. American Mineralogist 96, 1725-1741.
264) Rossman GR (2011) The color of topaz. In: Topaz, perfect cleavage. ExtraLapis 14, 79-85.
263) Rossman GR (2011) The Chinese red feldspar controversy: chronology of research through July 2009. Gems & Gemology 47, 16-30.

262) Rossman GR (2011) Argon isotope studies of andesine collected during the 2010 expedition to Tibet. GIA News from research. 5 page web article. 

261) Rossman GR (2011) The origin of color in tourmaline from Mt. Marie, Maine. Gems & Gemology 47, 67-68.

260) Rossman GR (2011) Advanced Gem Characterization. Gems & Gemology 47, 124-125.

259) Rossman GR, Ma C, Kampf AR (2011) Quartz carving with inclusions of izoklakeite. Gems & Gemology 47, 324-323. 

2011 Abstracts

A208) Blacksberg J, Rossman GR (2011) In situ planetary mineralogy using simultaneous time resolved fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy. Conference on Micro-Raman Spectroscopy and Luminescence Studies in the Earth and Planetary Sciences (CORALS II), Madrid, Spain, May 2011. Abstract 4048. PDF file.
A207) Blacksberg J, Rossman GR (2011) On-Surface Planetary Mineralogy Using Time Resolved Raman and Fluorescence Spectroscopy. 42d Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Abstract 1166. PDF file.
A206) Blacksberg J, Rossman GR, Maruyama Y, Charbon E (2011) Planetary Surface Analysis Using Fast Laser Spectroscopic Techniques: Combined Microscopic Raman, LIBS, and Fluorescence Spectroscopy. American Geophysical Union, Dec 2011, Abstract P31F-09. PDF file.
A205) Chemtob SM, Hurowitz JA, Guan Y, Ziegler K, Eiler JM, Rossman GR (2011) Silica coatings on young Hawaiian basalts: constraints on formation mechanism from silicon isotopes. Goldschmidt Conference. Mineralogical Magazine 75 (3), 649. 
Mineralogical Magazine 75 (3), 649-649
A204) Chemtob S, Stebbins JF, Guan Y, Ziegler KG, Hurowitz JA, Eiler JM, Rossman GR (2011) Insights on formation mechanism of colorful silica coatings on Kilauean basalts from field observations and silicon isotopes. American Geophysical Union., Dec 2011, Abstract EP51B-0841. PDF file.
A203) Connolly Jr HC, Beckett JR, Huss GR, Nagashima AK, Ziegler K, Ma C, Rossman GR (2011) Allende 3509 HC-2: A Compact Type A-‘F’Inclusion with a Snake-Like Morphology/ Meteoritics and Planetary Science 46. S1, A47. Abstract 5313 PDF file.

A202) Connolly Jr HC, Huss GR, Shahar A, Nagashima AK, Young ED, Ebel DS, Weisberg MK, Beckett JR, Paque JM, Ma C, Rossman GR (2011) Diffusion within the CAI Bocce Ball 1: the redistribution of 26Mg* correlated with variations in Al/Mg within a Type B2 inclusion from Allende. 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 1858. [PDF]

A201) Hurowitz J, Aharonson O, Channon M, Chemtob S, Coleman M, Eiler J, Farley K, Grotzinger J, Hecht M, Kirschvink J, McLeese D, Neidholdt E, Rossman G, Sinha M, Sturhahn W, Waltenberg K, Vasconcelos P, Zimmerman W, Beard B, Johnson C (2011) In-Situ K-Ar Geochronology: Age Dating for Solar System Sample Return Selection. Importance of Solar System Sample Return Missions to the Future of Planetary Sciences , Abstract #5052

A200) Ma C, Beckett JR, Tschauner O, Rossman GR (2011) Thortveitite (Sc2Si2O7), the first solar silicate? Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 46, Suppl, Abstract 5171. [PDF]

A199) Ma C, Tschauner O, Beckett JR, Kiefer B, Rossman GR, Liu W (2011) Discovery of panguite, a new ultra-refractory titania mineral in Allende. 42d Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Abstract 1276. PDF file.
A198) McClure SF, Rossman GR, Scarratt K (2011) A Study of Andesine Matrix Specimens Purported to be from Tibet. GIA News from research. 6 page web article.

A197) Stipe C, Guevara E, Rossman GR, Buckley S (2011) Geochronology by LIBS: Development of a method suitable for Mars. 3rd North American Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (NASLIBS), Clearwater Beach, FL, July, 2011, p28-29. PDF file

A196) Stipe CB, Rossman GR, Guevara E, Buckley SG (2011) In-situ geochronology on Mars by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy. Geological Society of America. Oct 2011. Abstracts with Programs 43 (No.5) p234. Abstract 89-15

2010 Papers 

258) Blacksberg J, Rossman GR, Gleckler A (2010) Time-resolved Raman spectroscopy for in situ planetary mineralogy. Applied Optics 49, 4951-4962

257) Boyce JW, Liu Y, Rossman GR, Guan Y, Eiler J, Stolper EM, Taylor LA (2010) Lunar apatite with terrestrial volatile abundances. Nature 466, 466-469. 

256) Breeding CM, Shen AH, Eaton-Magaña S, Rossman GR, Shigley J, Gilbertson A (2010) Developments in gemstone analysis techniques and instrumentation during the first decade of the 2000s. Gems & Gemology. 46, 241-257. 

255) Chemtob SM, Jolliff BL, Rossman GR, Eiler JM, Arvidson RE (2010) Silica coatings in the Ka'u Desert, Hawaii, a Mars analog terrain: a micro-morphological, spectral, chemical and isotopic study. Journal of Geophysical Research, Planets 115, E4001, DOI:10.1029/2009JE003473, 2010.

254) Ertl A, Rossman GR, Hughes JM, London D, Wang Y, O'Leary JA, Dyar MD, Prowatke S, Ludwig T, Tillmanns E (2010) Tourmaline of the elbaite-schorl series from the Himalaya Mine, Mesa Grande, California, U.S.A.: A detailed investigation. American Mineralogist 95, 24-40.

253) Groat LA, Rossman GR, Dyar MD, Turner D, Piccoli PMB, Schultz AJ, Ottolini L (2010) Crystal chemistry of aquamarine from the True Blue Showing, Yukon Territory. Canadian Mineralogist. 48, 597-613. 

252) Kampf AR, Rossman GR, Steele IM, Pluth JJ, Dunning GE, Walstrolm RE. (2010) Devitoite, a new heterophyllosilciate with astrophyllite-like layers. Canadian Mineralogist. 48, 29-40. DOI: 10.3749/canmin.48.1.29

251) Weiss R, Rossman GR (2010) An Interview with George Rossman. Axis 6, www.MineralogicalRecord 6, 15 pages 

2010 Abstracts 

A195) Blacksberg J, Rossman G (2010) Time resolved Raman and fluorescence spectrometer for planetary mineralogy. Geophysical Research Abstracts 12, EGU2010-1732. PDF File 

A194) Chemtob SM, Glotch TD, Rossman GR (2010) ATR-IR spectroscopy forn in situ mineral analysis on planetary surfaces: steps toward a forward model. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 2198. PDF File 

A193) Chemtob SM, Rossman GR, Hon K, Matzen AK (2010) Silica coatings on young basalts at Kilauea, Hawaii: Rapid onset of acid-sulphate weathering. Geological Society of America, Denver, CO. Abstract 182282. PDF File 

A192) Gaft M, Panczer G, Nagli L, Rossman GR (2010) Luminescence of Cr3+ and Mn4+ in natural kyanite Al2SiO5. Lyon, France 

A191) Liu Y, Boyce JW, Rossman GR, Guan Y, Eiler J, Taylor LA (2010) Water in Lunar mare basalt: confirmation from apatite in Lunar basalt 14053. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 2647. PDF File 

A190) Ma C, Beckett JR, Rossman GR (2010) Grossmanite, Davisite, and Kushiroite: Three newly-approved diopside-group clinopyroxenes in CAIs. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 1494. PDF File 

A189) Ma C, Beckett JR, Rossman GR (2010) Discovery of a new chromium sulfide mineral, Cr5S6 in Murchinson. 73rd Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Abstract 5135. Link to Abstract 

A188) Ma C, Sweeney Smith SA, Connolly HC, Beckett JR, Rossman GR, Schrader DL (2010) Discovery of Cl-bearing mayenite, Ca12Al14O32Cl2, a new mineral in a CV3 meteorite. 73rd Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Abstract 5134. Link to Abstract 

A187) Mosenfelder JL, Le Voyer M, Rossman GR, Guan Y, Bell DR, Asimow PD, Eiler J (2010) Combined SIMS, NanoSIMS, FTIR, and SEM studies of OH in nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMs). American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, abstract  V43F-04 Link to Abstract

A186) Reach WT, Rossman GR (2010) Infrared spectroscopy of meteorites using attenuated total reflectance. 73rd Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Abstract 5151. Link to Abstract 

A185) Sweeney Smith SA, Connolly HC, Ma C, Rossman GR, Beckett JR, Ebel DS, Schrader DL (2010) Initial Analysis of a refractory inclusion rich in CaAl2O4 from NWA 1394: Cracked Egg. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 1877. PDF File 

2009 Papers 

250) Chadwick KM, Rossman GR (2009) Orange kyanite from Tanzania. Gems & Gemology 45, 146-147. 

249) Cooper MA, Hawthorne FC, Grew ES, Kyser TK, Rossman GR (2009) The crystal chemistry of the kornerupine-prismatine series. II. The role of hydrogen. Canadian Mineralogist 47, 263-274. 

248) Glotch TD, Rossman GR (2009) Mid-infrared reflectance spectra and optical constants of six iron oxide/oxyhydroxide phases. Icarus 204, 663-571. 

247) Kampf AR, Rossman GR, Housley RM (2009) Plumbophyllite, a new species from the Blue Bell claims near Baker, San Bernardino Couinty, California. American Mineralogist 94, 1198-1204.

246) Ma C, Rossman GR (2009) Tistarite, Ti2O3, a new refractory mineral from the Allende meteorite. American Mineralogist 94, 841-844.

245) Ma C, Rossman GR (2009) Davisite, CaScAlSiO6, a new pyroxene from the Allende meteorite. American Mineralogist 94, 845-848. 

244) Ma C, Simon SB, Rossman GR, Grossman L (2009) Calcium Tschermak’s pyroxene, CaAlAlSiO6, from the Allende and Murray meteorites: EBSD and micro-Raman characterizations. American Mineralogist 94, 1483-1486. 

243) Ma C, Rossman GR (2009) Grossmanite, CaTi3+AlSiO6, a new pyroxene from the Allende Meteorite - American Mineralogist 94, 1491-1494. 

242) Rossman GR (2009) The geochemistry of gems and its relevance to gemology: different traces, different prices. Elements 5, 159-162. 

2009 Abstracts

A184) Chemtob SM, Rossman GR, Eiler JM, Jolliff BL (2009) Silica coatings on the 1974 Kilauea flow: new SEM and SIMS results and implications for Mars. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Abstract 2156. PDF File

A183) Dyar MD, Hibbitts C, Liu Y, Taylor LA, Rossman GR, Orlando TM, Seaman SJ, Tucker JM, Pieters CM (2009) Mechanisms for Incorporation of Hydrogen in and on the Lunar Surface. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract id. P33d-07  .PDF File.

A182) Ma C, Beckett JR, Rossman GR, Connolly HC, Guan Y, Eiler JM, Hoffmann AE (2009) In-situ disovery of a cluster of refractory grains in an Allende ferromagnesian chrondrule. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 2138. PDF File

A181) Ma C, Beckett JR, Rossman GR (2009) Discovery of a new phosphide mineral, monipite (MoNiP) in an Allende type B1 CAI. 72nd Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Nancy, France, 13-18 July 2009. Abstract 5090. PDF File. 

A180) Ma C, Beckett JR, Rossman GR (2009) Discovery of a Mg-dominant analog of kamiokite, Mg2Mo3O8, a new mineral from an Allende type B1 CAI. CAI. 72nd Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Nancy, France, 13-18 July 2009. Abstract 5359. PDF file 

A179) Ma C, Beckett JR, Rossman GR (2009) Allendeite and hexamolybdenum: two new ultra-refractory minerals in Allende and two missing links. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 1402. PDF File 

2008 Papers

241) Groat LA, Turner D, Rossman GR (2008) Dark blue aquamarine from the True Blue Showing, Yukon Territory. Canadian Gemmologist 29, 48-53. 

240) Hebert LB, Rossman GR (2008) Greenish quartz found at the Thunder Bay Amethyst Mine Panorama, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Mineralogist, 46, 111-124.
239) Ma C, Rossman GR (2008) Barioperovskite, BaTiO3, a new mineral from the Benitoite Mine, California. American Mineralogist 93, 154-157.

2008 Abstracts

A178) Huang Y, Rossman G, Guan Y, Ma C (2008) Intercalibration of FTIR and SIMS for Hydrogen Measurements in Garnets. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract MR53A-1717. PDF File.

Ma C, Rossman GR (2008) Discovery of tazheranite (cubic zirconia) in the Allende meteorite.2008 Goldschmidt Conference. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 72 12S A577. PDF File
A176) Ma C, Beckett JR, Connolly HC, Rossman GR (2008) Aluminous spinels in ferromagnesian chondrules from Allende. 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 2030. PDF File
A175) Mosenfelder JL, Asimow PD, Rossman GR (2008) Orthopyroxene: the Most Hydrous Nominally Anhydrous Upper Mantle Phase? Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T13C-1977. PDF File
A174) Williams ER, Balsam W, Schaff C, Yang X, Zhang Q, Ji J, Rossman GR, Garimella S, Oldfield F, Lyons JR, Ellwood B, Hartman H, Hicks E, Mansot JL, Cesaire T, Thomas P (2008) The Latitudinal Gradient of Rainfall, Mineralogy, Albedo and Magnetic Susceptibility in West Africa. American Geophysical Union. PDF File 

2007 Papers

238) Burt JB, Ross NL, Gibbs GV, Rossman GR, Rosso KM (2007) Potential protonation sites in the Al2SiO5 polymorphs based on polarized FTIR spectroscopy and bond critical point properties. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 34, 295-306.
237) Ertl A, Rossman GR, Hughes JM, Ma C, Brandstätter F (2007) V3+-bearing, Mg-rich strongly disordered olenite from a graphite deposit near Amstall, Lower Austria: A structural, chemical and spectroscopic investigation. Neues Jarhbuch für Mineralogie-Abhandlungen 184, 243-253.

236) Fritsch E, Massi L, Rossman GR, Hainschwang T, Jobic S, Dessapt R (2007) Thermochromic and photochromic behavior of "chameleon" diamonds. Diamond & Related Materials 16, 401-408.

235) Fritz EA, Breeding CM, Rossman GR, Laurs BM, Simmons WB, Falster AU (2007) Yellow-green clinohumite and yellow chondrodite from Tanzania. Gems and Gemology 43, 377-379.

234) Glotch TD, Rossman GR, Aharonson O (2007) Mid-infrared (5-100 µm) reflectance spectra and optical constants of ten phyllosilicate minerals. Icarus 192, 605-622.

233) Laurs BM, Simmons WB, Rossman GR, Fritz EA, Kouvila JI, Ancar B, Falster AU (2007) Yellow Mn-rich tourmaline from the Canary Mining Area, Zambia. Gems and Gemology 43, 314-331. 

232) Ma C, Rossman GR, Miller JA (2007) The Origin of Color in "Fire" Obsidian. Canadian Mineralogist 45, 551-557.

231) O'Leary JA, Rossman GR, Eiler J (2007) Hydrogen analysis in minerals by continuous-flow mass spectrometry. American Mineralogist 92, 1990-1997.
230 Roush TL, Esposito F, Rossman GR, Colangeli L (2007) Estimated optical constants of gypsum in the regions of weak absorptions: Application of scattering theories and comparisons to independent measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research 112, E10003, doi:10.1029/2007JE002920

2007 Abstracts 

A173) Burt JB, Ross NL, Gibbs GV, Rossman GR, Rosso KM (2007) The Incorporation of Hydrogen Atoms in the Al2SiO5 Polymorphs: A Combined Infrared and Theoretical Study. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007, abstract id. M22A-05. PDF File

A172) Chemtob SM, Glotch TD, Rossman (GR) (2007) Linear deconvolution of ATR-IR spectra of mineral mixtures for planetary surface studies. Eos Trans. AGU, 88, Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract P21A-0212.

A171) Esposito F, Roush TL, Rossman GR, Colangeli L (2007) Measurement of the Optical Constants of Gypsum from Mid-Infrared to Visible for Modeling of Martian Deposits. Exploring Mars and its Earth Analogues, June 19-23, 2007, Trento, Italy. Abstract.

A170) Glotch TD, Chemtob SM, Rossman GR (2007) Attenuated total reflection as an in situ infrared spectroscopic method for mineral identification. 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 12-16, 2007, League City, Texas, Abstract 1731

A169) Ma C, Rossman GR (2007) Challenge to electron microprobe analysis by nano-features in geomaterials. Eos Trans. AGU, 88, Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract V51A-0323.

A168) Ma C, Rossman GR (2007) Nano-mineralogy studies by advanced electron microscopy. Microscopy & Microanalysis 2007, August 6-9, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Abstract. 

2006 Papers 

229) Asimow PD, Stein LC, Mosenfelder JL, Rossman GR (2006) Quantitative polarized FTIR analysis of trace OH in populations of randomly oriented mineral grains. American Mineralogist 91, 278-284. 

228) Beran A, Rossman GR (2006) OH in naturally occurring corundum. European Journal of Mineralogy, 18, 441-447. 

227) Cempírek J, Novák M, Ertl A, Hughes JM, Rossman GR, Dyar MD (2006) Fe-bearing olenite with tetrahedrally coordinated Al from an abyssal pegmatite at Kutná Hora, Czech Republic: structure, crystal chemistry, optical and XANES spectra. Canadian Mineralogist 44:23-30. 

226) Ma C, Rossman GR (2006) Low voltage FESEM of geological materials. Microscopy Today 14, 20-23. 

225) Ma C, Rossman GR (2006) Ganterite, the barium mica Ba0.5K0.5Al2(Al1.5Si2.5)O10(OH)2, from Oreana, Nevada. American Mineralogist 91, 702-705. 

224) Mosenfelder JL, Deligne NI, Asimow PD, Rossman GR (2006) Hydrogen incorporation in olivine from 2-12 GPa. American Mineralogist 91, 285-294. 

223) Mosenfelder JL, Sharp TG, Asimow PD, Rossman GR (2006) Hydrogen incorporation in natural mantle olivines. In: Earth's Deep Water Cycle, Jacobsen S, Lee Svd, Editors. AGU Geophysical Monograph 168, 45-56. 

222) Rossman GR (2006) Analytical methods for measuring water in nominally anhydrous minerals. In: Keppler H and Smyth JR, eds, Water in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 62, 1-28. 

2006 Abstracts 

A167) Denton MB, Downs RT, Rossman GR (2006) The present and future potential of Raman spectroscopy in the characterization of gems and minerals. Pitcon 2006. Abstract 

A166) Downs RT, Denton MB, Rossman GR (2006) The RRUFF project: creating an integrated database of oriented Raman spectra, X-ray diffraction and electron imcroprobe analyses of minerals. Pitcon 2006. Abstract 120-7 

A165) Ertl A, Rossman GR, Hughes JM, Wang Y, O’Leary J, Dyar MD, Prowatke S, Ludwig T. (2006) Elbaite from the Himalaya Mine, Mesa Grande, California. GIA Gemological Research Conference, San Diego, CA, Aug 26-27, Abstract p14

A164) Glotch T, Rossman GR, Michalski JR (2006) Estimated Mid-Infrared (200-2000 cm-1) Optical Constants of Some Silica Polymorphs. 38th Meeting AAS Division for Planetary Sciences, Pasadena, CA, October 8-13, 2006, Abstract 62.05

A163) Massi L, Fritsch E, Rossman GR, Hainschwang T, Jobic S, Dessapt R (2006) Chameleon diamonds: a proposed model to explain thermochromic and photochromic behaviors. GIA Gemological Research Conference, San Diego, CA, Aug 26-27, Abstract p32-33

A162) Mosenfelder J, Sharp T, Rossman GR, Asimow P (2006). Hydrogen incorporation in olivine. MSA Short Course, Verbinia, Italy, Oct 2006. 

A161) O’Leary JA, Eiler JM, Rossman GR (2006) Hydrogen isotopic evidence for water-loss from mantle pyroxenes. MSA Short Course, Verbinia, Italy, Oct 2006. 

A160) Rossman GR (2006) Characterization of nanofeatures in gem materials. GIA Gemological Research Conference, San Diego, CA, Aug 26-27, Abstract p22-23

A159) Rossman GR (2006) New technologies used to identify colored stone treatments. 4th International Gemological symposium, San Diego, Aug 27-29, Abstract p8

A158) Roush TL, Esposito F, Rossman GR, Colangeli L (2006) Gypsum optical constants in the visible and near-infrared: real and Imagined. 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 1188 

2005 Papers

221) Ertl A, Rossman GR, Hughes JM, Rossman GR, Prowatke S, Ludwig T (2005) Mn-bearing "oxy-rossmanite" with tetrahedrally-coordinated Al and B from Austria: structure, chemistry, and infrared and optical spectroscopic study. American Mineralogist 90, 481-487.

220) Rossman GR (2006) New discoveries of painite in Myanmar (Burma). Gems & Gemology 41, 356.

219) Laurs BM, Rossman GR, Shigley JE (2005) Green orthoclase feldspar from Vietnam. Gems & Gemology 41, 354-355. 

218) McClure SF, Rossman GR, Shigley JE (2005) Tenebrescent scapolite from Afghanistan. Gems & Gemology 41, 269-271.

217) Smyth JR, Holl CM, Langenhorst F, Laustsen HM, Rossman GR, Kleppe A, McCammon CA, Kawamoto T, Van Aken PA (2005) Crystal chemistry of wadsleyite II and water in the Earth's interior. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 31, 691-705.

2005 Abstracts

A167) Gunther ME, Mabbutt WL, Miura EH, Rossman GR (2005) Asterism in the Idaho star garnet. 15th Annual Goldschmidt Conference, Moscow ID, May, 2005. Abstract A280.

A156) Rossman GR, Naung S, Harlow GE, Hunt J (2005) Painite (CaZrBAl9O18).:A second source in Myanmar and Metasomatic Origins. 15th Annual Goldschmidt Conference, Moscow ID, May, 2005. Abstract A278.

A155) Lu R, Downs RT, Denton MB, Rossman GR (2005) Integrated database of Raman spectra, X-ray diffraction and chemistry data for minerals. Geological Society of America, Salt Lake City Annual Meeting, October, 2005, Paper 155-8. Abstract p350

A154) Ma C, Rossman GR (2005) Microanalysis of Hafnian Zircon. Microscopy & Microanalysis, 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2005. 

A153) O'Leary JA, Eiler J, Rossman GR (2005) Hydrogen isotope geochemistry of nominally anhydrous mantle minerals. 15th Annual Goldschmidt Conference, Moscow ID, May, 2005. Abstract A745

A152) Rossman GR (2005) Hydrous Components in the Nominally Anhydrous Minerals. 15th Annual Goldschmidt Conference, Moscow ID, May, 2005.Abstract A742

A151) Rossman GR (2005) Hydrous components in nominaly anhydrous minerals. MinPet 2005, Schladming, Austria. Mitteilungen Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 151, Abstract p18

2004 Papers 

216) Bell DR, Rossman GR, Maldener J, Endisch D, Rauch F (2004) Hydroxide in kyanite: A quantitative determination of the absolute amount and calibration of the IR spectrum. American Mineralogist 89, 998-1003. 

215) Bell DR, Rossman GR, Moore RO (2004) Abundance and partitioning of OH in a high-pressure magmatic system: megacrysts from the Monastery kimberlite, South Africa. Journal of Petrology, 45, 1539-1564. 

214) Harlow GE, Quinn EP, Rossman GR, Rohtert WR (2004) Blue omphacite from Guatemala. Gems & Gemology, 40, 68-70. 

213) Hawthorne FC, Cooper MA, Simmons WB, Falster AU, Laurs BM, Armbruster T, Rossman GR, Peretti A, Gunter D, Grobety B (2004) Pezzottaite, Ca(Be2 Li)Al2Si6O18, a spectacular new mineral related to the beryl group, from Madagascar. Mineralogical Record, 35, 369-382. 

212) Hughes JM, Ertl A, Bernhardt H-Z, Rossman GR, Rakovan J (2004) Mn-rich fluorapatite from Austria: Crystal structure, chemical analysis, and spectroscopic investigations. American Mineralogist, 89, 629-632. 

211) Johnson EA, Rossman GR (2004) A survey of hydrous species and concentrations in igneous feldspars. American Mineralogist, 89, 586-599. 

210) Johnson EA, Rossman GR (2004) An infrared and 1H MAS NMR investigation of strong hydrogen bonding in ussingite, Na2AlSi3O8(OH). Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 31, 115-121. 

209) Peretti A, Armbruster T, Günther D, Grobéty B, Hawthorne FC, Cooper MA, Simmons WB, Falster AU, Rossman GR, Laurs BM (2004) The challenge of the identification of a new mineral species: example "Pezzottaite". Contributions to Gemology 3, 1-12. 

208) Schauble EA, Rossman GR, Taylor HP (2004) Theoretical estimates of equilibrium chromium-isotope fractionations. Chemical Geology 205, 99-114. 

2004 Abstracts 

A150) Downs RT, Rossman GR, Drake MJ, Denton MB (2004) A comprehensive Raman spectral library of minerals with search /match capability. GSA Denver Annual Meeting, November, 2004, Abstract 14-1

A149) Mosenfelder JL, Sharp TG, Asimow P, Rossman GR (2004) Hydrogen in Olivines From the Colorado Plateau: Implications for Water in the Mantle and the Alpe Arami Controversy. AGU Fall Meeting. Eos: Transactions AGU 85 Abstract T32B-07.

A148) O’Leary JA, Eiler J, Wang Y, Rossman GR (2004) Micro-analysis of absolute water concentration in minerals. EOS Trans.AGU 85(47) Fall Meeting Suppl. Abstract T41B-1187

A147) Roush TL, Esposito F, Rossman GR, Colangeli L (2004) Estimated optical constants of gypsum in the regions of weak absorptions: Application of scattering theories and comparisons to independent measurements. 37th Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting, Cambridge, UK, September 2004. 

A146) Stein LC, Asimow P, Mosenfelder JL, Rossman GR (2004) Quantitative Polarized FTIR analysis of Trace OH in Populations of Disoriented Mineral Grains. AGU Fall Meeting. Eos: Transactions AGU 85 Abstract T41B-1175

2003 Papers 

207) Bell DR, Rossman GR, Maldener J, Endisch D, Rauch F (2003) Hydroxide in olivine: A quantitative determination of the absolute amount and calibration of the IR spectrum. Journal of Geochemical Research, 108(B2), 2105, doi:10.1029/2001JB000679, 2003. 

206) Ertl A, Hughes JM, Prowatke S, Rossman GR, London D, Fritz EA (2003) Mn-rich tourmaline from Austria: structure, chemistry, optical spectra, and relations to synthetic solid solutions. American Mineralogist 88, 1369-1376. 

205) Johnson EA, Rossman GR (2003) The concentration and speciation of hydrogen in feldspars using FTIR and 1H MAS NMR spectroscopy. American Mineralogist 88, 901-911. 

204) Laurs BM, Simmons WB, Rossman GR, Quinn EP, McClure SF, Peretti A, Armbruster T, Hawthorne FC, Falster AU, Günther D, Cooper MA, Grobéty B (2003) Pezzottaite from Ambatovita, Madagascar: A New Gem Mineral. Gems and Gemology 39, 284-301. 

203) Rohtert WR, Quinn EP, Groat LA, Rossman GR (2003) Blue beryl discovery in Canada. Gems and Gemology 39, 327-329. 

202) Schauble EA, Rossman GR, Taylor HP (2003) Theoretical estimates of equilibrium chlorine-isotope fractionations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67, 3267-3281. 

201) Simmons WB, Falster AU, McClure SF, Quinn EP, Rossman GR, Hawthorne FC (2003) A new saturated purplish pink Cs-"beryl" from Madagascar. Gems & Gemology 39, 50-54. 

2003 Abstracts 

A145) Harlow GE, Rossman GR, Matsubara S, and Miyajima H (2003) Blue omphacite in jadeitites from Guatemala and Japan: Crystal chemistry and color origin. GSA Annual meeting, Seattle,WA, November 2003. Abstract 254-1, p 620. 

A144) Hughes JM, Ertl A, Prowatke S, Rossman GR (2003) Mn-rich tourmaline from the Moldanubicum in Austria: structure and chemistry. LERM 2003, International Symposium on Light Elements in Rock-forming Minerals, Nové Město na Moravě, Czech Republic, 20-25 June, Book of Abstracts, p. 34. 

A143) Johnson EA, Rossman GR (2003): Determination of hydrogen in feldspars by IR and NMR spectroscopy. LERM 2003, International Symposium on Light Elements in Rock-forming Minerals, Nové Město na Moravě, Czech Republic, 20-25 June, Book of Abstracts, p. 37

A142) Chi M, Rossman G (2003) Low Voltage FESEM of Geological Materials. Microscopy and Microanalysis 2003. August 3-7, 2003, San Antonio, Texas. Abstract page 990

2002 Papers 

200) Arredondo EH, Rossman GR (2002) Feasibility of determining the quantitative OH content of garnets with Raman spectroscopy. American Mineralogist, 87, 307-312. 

199) Ma C, Goreva JS, Rossman GR (2002) Fibrous nanoinclusions in massive rose quartz. HRTEM and AEM investigations. American Mineralogist, 87, 269-276. 

198) Johnson EA, Rossman GR, Dyar MD, Valley JW (2002) Correlation between OH concentration and oxygen isotope diffusion rate in diopsides from the Adirondack Mountains, New York. American Mineralogist, 87, 899-908. 

197) Kent AJR, Rossman GR (2002) Hydrogen, lithium, and boron in mantle-derived olivine: the role of coupled substitutions. American Mineralogist, 87, 1432-1436. 

196) Rossman GR (2002) Acceptance of the Dana Medal of Mineralogical Society of America for 2001. American Mineralogist, 87, 801-802. 

195) Taran MN, Rossman GR (2002) High-temperature, high-pressure optical spectroscopic study of ferric iron-bearing tourmaline. American Mineralogist, 87, 1148-1153. 

2002 Abstracts 

A141) Johnson EA, Rossman GR (2002) The Thermal Stability of Hydrogen in Feldspars. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 66, A369 (abstr.). 12th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, August 18-23, 2002, Davos, Switzerland. Abstract p A369. 

A140) Johnson EA, Rossman GR (2002) An FTIR Calibration for Structural Hydrogen in Feldspars Using 1H MAS NMR. Eos Trans. AGU, 83(19), Spring Meet. Suppl., Abstract #M51B-02

A138) Mosenfelder JL, Deligne NI, Asimow PD, Rossman GR (2002) Incorporation of OH in olivine at high pressure: new experimental resullts. EOS: Transactions AGU, 83:#988. Abstract T22C-07. 

A138) Schauble EA, Rossman GR, Taylor HP Jr (2002) Theoretical estimates of equilibrium chromium-isotope fractionations. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 66, A675 (abstr.). 12th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, August 18-23, 2002, Davos, Switzerland. Abstract p A675. 

2001 Papers 

194) Arredondo EH, Rossman GR, Lumpkin GR (2001) Hydrogen in spessartine-almandine garnets as a tracer of granitic pegmatite evolution. American Mineralogist 86, 495-490. 

193) Balitsky VS, Makhina IB, Marina EA, Rossman GR, Lu T, Shigley JE (2001) Growth and characteristics of some new varieties of coloured quartz single crystals. High Pressure research 20, 219-227. 

192) Fritsch E, Rossman GR (2001) L’origine de la couleur dans les gemmes: 4ème partie. Revue de gemmologie a.f.g., 43, 26-37. 

191) Fritsch E, Rossman GR (2001) L’origine de la couleur dans les gemmes: 3ème partie. Revue de gemmologie a.f.g., 141-142, 65-74.

190) Goreva JS, Ma C, Rossman GR (2001) Fibrous nanoinclusions in massive rose quartz. The origin of rose coloration. American Mineralogist 86, 466-472. 

189) Ma C, Gresh J, Rossman GR, Ulmer GC, Vicenzi EP (2001) Micro-analytical study of the optical properties of Mexican rainbow and sheen obsidians. Canadian Mineralogist, 39, 57-71.

188) Rossman GR, Taran MN (2001) Spectroscopic standards for four- and five-coordinated Fe2+ in oxygen-based minerals. American Mineralogist 86, 896-903.
187) Schauble E, Rossman GR, Taylor HP (2001) Theoretical estimates of equilibrium Fe-isotope fractionations from vibrational spectroscopy. Geochemica Cosmochemica Acta, 65, 2487-2497.

186) Taran MN, Rossman GR (2001) Optical spectra of Co2+ in three silicate minerals. American Mineralogist 86, 889-895. 

185) Taran MN, Rossman GR (2001) Optical spectroscopic study of tuhualite and a re-examination of the beryl, cordierite, and osumilite spectra. American Mineralogist 86, 973-980.

2001 Abstracts 

A137) Dyar MD, Rossman GR, Delaney JS, Sutton SR, Newville M (2001) Interpretation of Fe- XANES pre-edge spectra: predictions based on Co and Fe optical spectra. 32d Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 1816.

A136) Geiger CA, Stahl, A, Rossman GR (2001) Single-crystal IR spectroscopic measurements on transition metal bearing pyrope: The incorporation of hydroxide in upper mantle garnets. EUG 11, Strasbourg, France. 

A135) Johnson EA, Rossman GR (2001) The concentration and speciation of hydrogen in feldspars from 1H MAS NMR and FTIR spectroscopy. In 11 th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Abstract #3202

A134) Ma C, Eggleton RA, Rossman GR (2001) Electron microscopic investigation of Fe-rich phyllosilicates. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 7, Suppl 2, 538-539. Abstract

A133) Ma C, Goreva JS, Rossman GR (2001) Colored Varieties of Quartz Arising From Inclusions. In 11th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Abstract #3676

A132) Rossman GR, Bell DR, Maldener J, Endisch D, Rauch F (2001) Calibration of the absolute OH content of olivine. Fall AGU, 2001. Abstract T21C-07.

A131) Schauble EA, Rossman GR, Taylor HP (2001) Theoretical estimates of equilibrium chlorine isotope fractionations. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Eos Trans. AGU, 82, 2001. Abstract V21A-0969.

A130) Schauble EA, Rossman GR, Taylor HP Jr (2001) Predicting Equilibrium Iron Isotope Fractionations. 11 th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Abstract #3811

2000 Publications 

184) Balitsky VS, Machina IB, Mar'in AA, Shigley JE, Rossman GR (2000) Industrial growth, morphology and some properties of bi-colored amethyst-citrine quartz (ametrine). Journal of Crystal Growth 212, 255-260. 

183) Fritsch E, Rossman GR (2000) Das Geheimnis der Edelsteinfarben.In: Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Spezial Farbe 4/2000, S. 40-45. 

182) Fritsch E, Rossman GR (2000) L'orignie de la couleur dans les gemmes. Pour La Science (French edition of Scientific American), Dossier hors série, Avril 2000, 36-41.

181) Geiger CA, Stahl A, Rossman GR (2000) Single-crystal IR- and UV/VIS-spectroscopic measurements on transition metal bearing pyrope: the incorporation of hydroxide in garnet. European Journal of Mineralogy 12, 259-271. 

180) Herd CDK, Peterson RC, Rossman GR (2000) Violet-coloured diopside from South Baffin Island, Nanuvut Territory. Canadian Mineralogist 38, 1193-1199. 

179) Kagi H, Parise JB, Cho H, Rossman GR, Loveday JS (2000) Hydrogen bonding interactions in Phase A (Mg7Si2O8(OH)) at ambient and high pressure. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 27, 225-233. 

178) Kampf AR, Wise WS, Rossman GR (2000) Juanitaite, A new mineral from Gold Hill, Utah. Mineralogical Record 31, 301-305.

177) Sutton SR, Dyar MD, Delaney JS, Newville M, Rossman GR (2000) Interpretation of Fe K XANES Pre-Edge Spectra of Hematite Based on Cobalt Optical Spectra. Advanced Photon Source Activity Report 2000.

2000 Abstracts 

A129) Dyar MD, Delaney JS, Rossman GR, Sutton SR (2000) Polarized Fe XANES pre-edge spectroscopy of feldspars. Brookhaven National Laboratory. Abstract Dyar5193

A128) Goreva JS, Rossman GR (2000) A blue variety of rose quartz. Geological Society of America 2000 Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 32, November 2000.  PDF

A127) Johnson EA, Rossman GR, Valley JW (2000) Correlation between OH content and oxygen isotope diffusion rate in diopsides from the Adirondack Mountains, New York. Geological Society of America 2000 Annual Meeting Reno, Nevada. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 32, p81, November 2000. PDF

A126) Schauble EA, Rossman GR, Taylor HP (2000) Theoretical estimates of equilibrium Fe-isotope fractionations from vibrational spectroscopy. Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 81, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract B51B-08.

1999 Publications 

176) Balitsky VS, Lu T, Rossman GR, Makhina IB, Mar'in AA, Shigley JE, Elen S, Dorogovin BA (1999) Russian synthetic ametrine. Gems and Gemology 35, 122-134.

175) Fritsch E, Rossman GR (1999) L’origine de la couleur dans les gemmes: 2ème partie, Revue de gemmologie a.f.g., 138-139, 55-61. 

174) Fritsch E, Rossman GR (1999) L’origine de la couleur dans les gemmes: 1ère partie. Revue de gemmologie a.f.g., 137, 10-16. 

173) Geiger CA, Stahl A, Rossman GR (1999) Raspberry-red grossular from Sierra de Cruces Range, Coahuila, Mexico. European Journal of Mineralogy 11, 1109-1113.

172) Lager GA, Xie QY, Ross FK, Rossman GR, Armbruster T, Rotella FJ, Schultz AJ (1999) Hydrogen atom positions in P4/nnc vesuvianite. Canadian Mineralogist 37, 763-768.

171) Mar'ina EA, Balitsky VS, Balitskaya LV, Urusov VS, Rossman GR (1999) Растворимость и рост кристаллов кварца в водно-Боратных растворах. Solubility and growth of quartz crystals in aqueous borate solutions. Doklady Akademii Nauk 369, 375-377 (in Russian).

170 Yen AS, Murray BC, Rossman GR, Grunthaner FJ (1999) Stability of hydroxylated minerals on Mars: A study on the effects of exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Journal of Geological Research 104, 27,031-27,041.

1999 Abstracts

A125) Balitsky VS, Makhina IB, Marina EA, Rossman GR, Lu T, Shigley JE (1999) Growth and characteristic of some new varieties of coloured quartz single crystals. International Conference on Hydrothermal Reactions. France, July 19-23, 1999.

A124) Ma C, Rossman GR (1999) Complex layer stacking in muscovite: A HRTEM study. Microscopy & Microanalysis 99, Portland, Oregon, August 1-5, 1999

A123) Stahl A, Geiger CA, Rossman GR (1999) Spectroscopic measurements on transition metal bearing pyropes: The incorporation of “water”. European Union of Geoscience 10, Strasbourg, France.

A122) Webster CR, May RD, Herman RL, Rossman GR, Yung YL (1999) Tunable laser spectrometers for in situ gas, particulate, and mineralogical studies of Mars. International Symposium Mars Exploration Programme & Sample Return Missions. Paris, France, February, 1999

1998 Publictions

169) Amthauer G, Rossman GR (1998) The hydrous component in andradite garnet. American Mineralogist 83, 835-840.

168) Hammer VMF, Libowitzky E, Rossman GR (1998) Single-crystal IR spectroscopy of pectolite, NaCa2[Si3O8(OH)], and serandite, NaMn2[Si3O8(OH)]. American Mineralogist 83, 569-576.

167) Kronenberg AK, Yund RA, Rossman GR (1998) Reply to Comment of Doremus, Robert H. on stationary and moblie hydrogen defects in potassium feldspar. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62, 379-380.

166) Wang Z, Rossman GR, Blake GA (1998) A new microsampling VIS-IR spectrometer based on optical parametric oscillator technology. Spectroscopy 13, 44-47.

165) Yen AS, Murray BM, Rossman GR (1998) Water content of the Martian soil: laboratory simulations of reflectance spectra. Journal of Geophysical Research 103, 11,125-11,133.

1998 Abstracts

A121) Balitsky VS, Makhina IB, Mar'in AA, Shigley JE, Rossman GR (1998) Industrial growth, morphology and some properties of bi-colored amethyst-citrine quartz (ametrine). 12th Intern. Conference on Crystal Growth, Tel Aviv (Israel) (1998).

A120) Lu TJ, Balitsky VS, Makhina IB, Shigley JE, Rossman GR, Dorogovin BA (1998) Synthetic iron-containing colored quartz (amethyst, citrine, and ametrine) International Mineralogical Association, Toronto, 11 August 1998. 

A119) Rossman GR (1998) What we know about colour in minerals. International Mineralogical Association, Toronto, 11 August 1998. 

A118) Stahl A, Geiger CA, Rossman GR (1998) UV/Vis and IR spectroscopic investigations of synthetic pyrope single crystals. Deutsche Glastechnische Gesellschaft. May meeting, Berlin

A117) Stahl A, Geiger CA, Rossman GR (1998) Vis- und IR-Spectroskopische Untersuchungen an Synthetischen Granat-Einkristallen.  Bericthe der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy 10:282

A116) Yen AS, Murray BC, Rossman GR, Grunthaner FJ (1998) Ultraviolet radiation induced desorption of water from martian soil. 29th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Houston, Texas). March 16-20, 1998.

1997 Publications

164) Libowitzky E, Rossman GR (1997) IR spectroscopy of hemimorphite between 82 and 373 K and optical evidence for a low-temperature phase transition. European Journal of Mineralogy 9, 793-802.

163) Libowitzky E, Rossman GR (1997) An IR absorption calibration for water in minerals. American Mineralogist 82, 1111-1115.

162) Libowitzky E, Kohler T, Armbruster T, Rossman GR (1997) Proton disorder in dehydrated hemimorphite - IR spectroscopy and X-ray structure refinement at low and ambient temperatures. European Journal of Mineralogy 9, 803-810.

1997 Abstracts

A115) Balitsky VS, Makhina IB, Mari'in AA, Dorogovin BA, Shigley JE, Rossman GR (1997) The first commercial synthetic ametrine from Russia (abstract). 26th International Gemmological Conference, Idar-Oberstein, Germany, Sept.27-Oct.3, 1997,  Abstract

A114) Goreva JS, Rossman GR (1997) Fibers in rose quartz: (abstract). Abstracts with Programs, 29, Geol. Soc. Amer. 1997 Annual Meeting.

A113) Kampf AR, Wilson EC, Rossman GR (1997) Titanite crystals from the Mirage Trail, Rancho Mirage, Riverside County, California (abstract). Quarterly 44, 34. San Bernardino County Museum Association, Redlands, CA.

A112) Kagi H, Inoue T, Weidner DJ, Lu R, Rossman GR (1997) Speciation of hydroxides in hydrous phases synthesized at high pressure and temperature (abstract). Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting

A111) Kagi H, Inoue T, Weidner DJ, Lu R, Rossman GR (1997) Speciation of hydroxides in hydrous ringwoodite (abstract). Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 78, 312.

A110) Libowitzky E, Rossman GR (1997) Infrared spectroscopy: A quantitative approach to water in minerals (abstract) . Berchte Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 1997:222.

A109) Libowitzky E, Armbruster T, Beran A, Giester G, Hammer VMF, Hoffmann C, Kunz M, Nyfeler D, Rossman, GR (1997) Infrared spectroscopy of very strong hydrogen bonds in minerals. Berchte Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 1997: 221

A108) Ma C, Rossman GR (1997) Fibers in rose quartz: HRTEM & AEM investigations (abstract). Abstracts with Programs, 29, Geological Society of America 1997 Annual Meeting,

A107) Maldener A, Rauch F, Langer K, Hoesch A, Bell DR, Rossman GR (1997) Determination of the hydrogen content of minerals using NRA for the calibration of IR absorption coefficients (abstract). Deutsche Glastechnische Gesellschaft. May meeting

A106) Rossman GR (1997) Color in tourmaline (abstract). International Symposium on Tourmaline, Nove Mesto na Morave, Czech Republic. Tourmaline 1997: 88

A105) Schauble EA, Rossman GR, and Taylor HP Jr., Theoretical estimates of equilibrium Fe-isotope fractionations from vibrational spectroscopy, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2000, Eos. Trans. AGU, v 81, no. 48, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B51B-08

A104) Yen AS, Murray BC, Grunthaner FJ, Rossman GR (1997) Ultraviolet radiation-induced dehydration of minerals: new experiments. 28th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Houston, Texas). March 17-21, 1997.

1996 Publications

161) Kronenberg AK, Yund RA, Rossman GR (1996) Stationary and mobile hydrogen defects in potassium feldspar. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60, 4075-4094.

160) Libowitzky E, Rossman GR (1996) FTIR spectroscopy of lawsonite between 82 and 325 K. American Mineralogist 81, 1080-1091.

159) Libowitzky E, Rossman GR (1996) Principles of quantitative absorbance measurements in anisotropic crystals. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 23, 319-327.

158) Rossman GR (1996) Studies of OH in nominally anhydrous minerals. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 23, 299-304.

157) Rossman GR (1996) Why hematite is red: Correlation of optical absorption intensities and magnetic moments of Fe3+ minerals. Mineral Spectroscopy: A tribute to Roger G. Burns. The Geochemical Society, Special Publication No. 5, eds: MD Dyar, C McCammon, MW Schaefer, 23-27.

1996 Abstracts

A103) Rossman GR (1996) Dumortierite and the color of rose quartz (abstract). Third European Meeting on Spectroscopic Methods in Mineralogy, Kiev, Ukraine, Sept.1996.

A102) Rossman GR (1996) Optical spectroscopy of minerals: an overview (abstract). Third European Meeting on Spectroscopic Methods in Mineralogy, Kiev, Ukraine, Sept.1996.

1995 Publications

156) Bell DR, Ihinger PD, Rossman GR (1995) Quantitative analysis of hydroxyl in garnet and pyroxene. American Mineralogist 80, 465-474. 

155) Dobson P, Skogby H, Rossman GR (1995) The water content of boninite glass and coexisting orthopyroxene. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 118, 414-419.

154) Fritsch E, Shigley JE, Moses T, Rossman GR, Zucker B, Balfour I (1995)  in:Derek J. Content (Ed.), A Green Diamond, W.S. Maney & Sons Ltd., Leeds, U.K..  ISBN 0901 286 516

153) Groat LA, Hawthorne FC, Rossman GR, Ercit TS (1995) The infrared spectroscopy of vesuvianite in the OH region. Canadian Mineralogist 33, 609-626.

151) Langer K, Platonov AN, Rossman GR (1995) Optical Absorption Spectroscopy. In: A.S. Marfunin, ed., Advanced Mineralogy, Springer-Verlag, NY, vol. 2. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

152) Snyder GA, Taylor LA, Jerde EA, Deines P, Clayton RN, Mayeda T, Rossman GR, Sobolev NV (1995) Archean mantle heterogeneity and the origin of diamondiferous eclogites, Siberia: Evidence from stable isotopes and hydroxyl in garnet. American Mineralogist 80, 799-809.

1995 Abstracts

A101) Stephens SK, Stevenson DJ, Rossman GR (1995) Carbonates on Mars: experimental results (abstract). Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. March, 1995. 

A100) Taylor LA, Rossman GR, Qu Q (1995) Where has all the lunar water gone? (abstract). Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. March, 1995.

A99) Amthauer G, Rossman GR (1995) The hydrous component in andradite (abstract). European Union of Geosciences, Strasbourg, France, April, 1995.

A98) Rossman GR (1995) Hydrous components in anhydrous minerals (abstract). 2nd European Meeting on Resonance Absorption Spectroscopy in Mineralogy, Berlin, Germany, October, 1995.

1994 Publications

151) Baker SM, Rossman GR, Baldeschwieler JD (1993) Topology of synthetic, boron-doped diamond by scanning tunneling microscopy. Diamonds and Related Materials, 3, 94-97.

150) Geiger CA, Rossman GR (1994) Crystal field stabilization energies of almandine-pyrope and almandine-spessartine garnets determined by FT-NIR measurements. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 21, 516-525. 

149) Lee WJ, Wyllie PJ, Rossman GR (1994) CO2-rich glass quenched from the CO2-SiO2-CaO system at 2.5 GPa. American Mineralogist 79, 1135-1144. 

148) Rose TP, Criss RC, Rossman GR (1994) Irradiative coloration of minerals for the purpose of preparing high purity mineral separates. Chemical Geology 114, 185-189. 

147) Rossman GR (1994) The colored varieties of the silica minerals. In: P.J. Haney, ed., Reviews in Mineralogy 29, 433-468.

146) Sykes D, Rossman GR, Veblen DR, Grew ES (1994) Enhanced hydrogen and fluorine incorporation in borian olivine. American Mineralogist 79, 904-908.

145) Vasconcelos P, Wenk HR, Rossman GR (1994) The Anahí ametrine mine, Bolivia. Gems and Gemology 30, 4-23.

1994 Abstracts

A97) Amthauer G, Rossman GR (1994) The hydrous component in andradite (abstract). Abstracts with Programs, Geol. Soc. Amer. 1994 Annual Meeting, A-481.

A96) Bell DR, Rossman GR, Endisch D, Rauch F (1994) OH content of mantle olivine (abstract). EOS Transactions American Geophysical Union, 74, Spring Meeting Supplement, 320. 

A95) Carpenter P, Armstrong J, Rossman G, Fritsch E, Kane R (1994) X-Ray and optical methods applied to the study of gem materials (abstract). Proc. 28th Annual Meeting Microbeam Analsis Soc, New Orleans, LA. Ed: John Friel, VCH Publishers., p 53-54.

A94) Groat L, Hawthorne FC, Rossman GR, Ercit TS (1994) The substitution of boron in vesuvianite (abstract). Abstracts with Programs, Geol. Soc. Amer. 1994 Annual Meeting, A-448.

A93) Stephens SK, Stevenson DJ, Keyser LF, Rossman GR (1994) Carbonate formation on Mars: implications of recent experiments (abstract). Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. Abs. XXV, 1343-1344. PDF

A92) Rossman GR (1994) Why is hematite red? (abstract). EOS Transactions American Geophysical Union, 75, Fall Meeting Supplement, 623.  PDF

1993 Publications

144) Baker SM, Rossman GR, Baldeschwieler JD (1993) Observation of surface charge screening and Fermi level pinning on a synthetic, boron-doped diamond. Journal of Applied Physics, 74, 4015-4019. 

143) Cho H, Rossman GR (1993) Single-crystal NMR studies of low-concentration hydrous species in minerals: Grossular garnet. American Mineralogist 78, 1149-1164. 

142) Eby RK, Janeczek J, Ewing RC, Ercit TS, Groat LA, Chakoumakos BC, Hawthorne FC, Rossman GR (1993) Metamict and chemically altered vesuvianite. Canadian Mineralogist 31, 357-369. 

141) Kubicki JD, Sykes D, Rossman GR (1993) Callculated Trends of OH sInfrared Sretching Vibrations with Comosition and Structure in Aluminosilicate molecules. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20, 425-432. 

140) O'Neill B, Bass JD, Rossman GR (1993) Elastic properties of hydrogrossular garnet and implications for water in the upper mantle. Journal of Geophysial Research 98, 20,031-20,037. 

139) Shannon RD, Vega AJ, Chai BHT, Rossman GR (1993) Dielectric properties of berlinite I. Dielectric constant. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 26, 93-100. 

138) Vlassopoulos D, Rossman GR, Haggerty SE (1993) Coupled substitution of H and minor elements in rutile and implications of high OH contents in Nb-Cr rutile from the upper mantle. American Mineralogist 78, 1181-1191.

1993 Abstracts

A91) Bell DR, Rossman GR (1993) The trace element partitioning of H in a high-pressure igneous system - megacrysts from the Monastery kimberlite (abstract). EOS Transactions American Geophysical Union, 74, Spring Meeting Supplement, 340. 

A90) Cho H, Rossman GR (1993) Single crystal proton NMR studies of low concentration hydrous species in minerals (abstract). 35th Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Denver, Colorado (1993).

A89) Fritsch E, Rossman GR (1993) The causes of color in garnets (abstract). Friends of Mineralogy, Symposium, Tucson, AZ. Mineralogical Record 24, 63. 

A88) Geiger CA, von Gliszynski U, Rossman GR (1993) OH in synthetic pyropes containing Ti, Na, Ca and B (abstract). Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft., Munich, Germany.

A87) Kubicki JD, Sykes D, Blake GA, Rossman GR (1993) Molecular orbital calculations of compositional and structural effects on O-H stretching frequencies and intensities in aluminosilicate molecules (abstract). EOS Transactions American Geophysical Union, 74, Spring Meeting Supplement, 165. 

A86) Stephens SK, Stevenson DJ, Rossman GR, Keyser LF (1993) Carbonate formation on Mars: Latest experiments and models (abstract). Division of Planetary Science, American Astronomical Society, Boulder, CO, Oct, 1993. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 25, 1041. 

A85) Stephens SK, Stevenson DJ, Rossman GR, Keyser LF (1993) Carbonate formation on Mars: Latest experiments (abstract). In Mars: Past, Present, and Future -- Results from the MSATT Program (RM Haberle, ed.), pp. 46-48. LPI Tech. Rpt. 93-06, Part 1, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 58 pp. 

A84) Sykes D, Rossman GR, Grew ES (1993) High OH contents in B-rich forsterite from the Tayozhnoye iron deposit (abstract). EOS Transactions American Geophysical Union, 74, Spring Meeting Supplement, 161. 

A83) Sykes D, Kubicki JD, Rossman GR (1993) Interpretation of the (OH)- structural role in silica and aluminosilicate glasses from vibrational and NMR spectroscopes (abstract). EOS Transactions American Geophysical Union, 74, Spring Meeting Supplement, 350.

1992 Publications

137) Bell DR, Rossman GR (1992) Water in the earth's mantle; the role of nominally anhydrous minerals. Science 255, 1391-1397. 

136) Bell DR, Rossman GR (1992) The distribution of hydroxyl in garnets from the subcontinental mantle of southern Africa. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 111, 161-178. 

135) Beran A, Armstrong JT, Rossman GR (1992) Infrared and electron microprobe analysis of ammonium ions in hyalophane feldspar. European Journal of Mineralogy, 4, 847-450. 

134) Nassau K, Rossman GR, Wood DL (1992) Unstable, green, irradiation-induced color in grossularite. Gems and Gemology, 28, 188-191.

133) Shannon RD, Rossman GR (1992) Dielectric constants of silicate garnets and the oxide additivity rule. American Mineralogist 77, 94-100. 

132) Shannon RD, Rossman GR (1992) Dielectric constants of apatite, epidote, vesuvianite, and zoisite and the oxide additivity rule. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 19, 157-165. 

131) Shannon RD, Dickinson JE, Rossman GR (1992) Dielectric constants of crystalline and amorphous spodumene, anorthite and diopside and the oxide additivity rule. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 19, 148-156. 

130) Shannon RD, Iishi K, Allik TH, Rossman GR, Liebertz J (1992) Dielectric constants of BaO and melilites and the oxide additivity rule. European Journal of Mineralogy 4, 1241-1249.

129) Shannon RD, Mariano AN, Rossman GR (1992) Effect of H2O and CO2 on dielectric properties of single crystal cordierite and comparison with polycrystalline cordierite. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 75, 2395-2399. 

128) Shannon RD, Oswald RA, Rossman GR (1992) Dielectric constants of topaz, orthoclase and scapolite and the oxide additivity rule. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 19, 166-170

127) Shannon RD, Subramanian MA, Mariano AN, Gier TE, Rossman GR (1992) Dielectric constants of diaspore and B-, Be-, and P-containing minerals, the polarizabilities of B2O3 and P2O5 and the oxide additivity rule. American Mineralogist 77, 101-106.

1992 Abstracts

A82) Geiger CA, Rossman GR (1992) The crystal field stabilization energies of Fe2+ in almandine-pyrope and almandine-spessartine garnets (abstract). 4th International Symposium of Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. Terra Nova Abstract Supplement 1, 18. 

A81) Geiger CA, Rossman GR (1992) Crystal field stabilization energies of Fe2+ in almandine-pyrope and almandine-spessartine solid solutions (abstract). EOS Transactions American Geophysical Union, 73(43), Fall Meeting Supplement, 608.

A80) Rose TP, Criss RE, Rossman GR (1992) Irradiative coloration of minerals for the purpose of preparing high purity mineral separates (abstract). EOS Transactions American Geophysical Union, 73(43), Fall Meeting Supplement, 618. 

A79) Shannon RD, Vega AJ, Rossman GR (1992) NMR, IR and dielectric studies of water in the channels of beryl (abstract). NMR Symposium of the Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Aug 2-6, 1992, Denver, CO.

1991 Publications

126) Geiger CA, Langer K, Bell DR, Rossman GR, Winkler B (1991) The OH- component in synthetic pyrope. American Mineralogist 76, 49-59. 

125) Guthrie GE, Veblen DR, Navon O, Rossman GR (1991) Submicrometer fluid inclusions in turbid-diamond coats. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 105, 1-12. 

124) Hawthorne FC, Groat LA, Raudsepp M, Ball NA, Kimata M, Spike FD, Gaba R, Halden NM, Lumpkin GR, Ewing RC, Greegor RB, Lytle FW, Ercit TS, Rossman GR, Wicks FJ, Ramik RA, Sherriff BL, Fleet ME, McCammon C (1991) Alpha-Decay damage in natural titanite. American Mineralogist 76, 370-398.

123) Hawthorne FC, Kimata M, Cerny P, Ball N, Rossman GR, Grice JD (1991) The crystal chemistry of the milarite group minerals. American Mineralogist 76, 1836-1856. 

122 ) O'Neill B, Bass JD, Rossman GR, Geiger CA, Langer K (1991) Elastic properties of pyrope. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 17, 617-621. 

121) Rossman GR, Aines RD (1991) The hydrous components in garnets: grossular - hydrogrossular. American Mineralogist 76, 1153-1164. 

120) Rossman GR, Fritsch E, Shigley JE (1991) Origin of color in cuprian-elbaite tourmalines from Sao Jose de Batalha, Paraiba, Brazil. American Mineralogist 76, 1479-1484. 

119) Shannon RD, Oswald RA, Allik TH, Damen JPM, Mateika D, Wechsler BA, Rossman GR (1991) Dielectric constants of YVO4, Fe-, Ge- and V-containing garnets, the polarizabilities of Fe2O3, GeO2, and V2O5, and the oxide additivity rule. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 95, 313-318. 

118) Shannon RD, Rossman GR (1991) Dielectric constant of MgAl2O4 spinel and the oxide additivity rule. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 52, 1055-1059. 

117) Shannon RD, Subramanian MA, Hosoya S, Rossman GR (1991) Dielectric constants of tephroite, fayalite and olivine and the oxide additivity rule. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 18, 1-6. 

116) Skogby H, Rossman GR (1991) The intensity of amphibole OH bands in the infrared absorption spectrum. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 18, 64-68. 

115) Smyth JR, Bell DR, Rossman GR (1991) Incorporation of hydroxyl in upper mantle clinopyroxenes. Nature 351, 732-734. 

114) Woodhead JA, Rossman GR, Silver LT (1991) The metamictization of zircon: Radiation dose-dependent characteristics. American Mineralogist 76, 74-82. 

113) Woodhead JA, Rossman GR, Thomas AP (1991) Hydrous species in zircon. American Mineralogist 76, 1433-1446.

1991 Abstracts

A78) Bell DR, Rossman GR, Ihinger PD (1991) Hydroxyl in upper mantle minerals (abstract). EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 72, 537. 

A77) Groat LA, Lager GA, Hawthorne FC, Rossman GR, Schultz AJ (1991) Hydrogen in boron-bearing vesuvianite (abstract). EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 72, 143. 

A76) Rossman GR (1991) Hydrous components in nominally anhydrous minerals (abstract). EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 72, 143.     

A75) Rossman GR (1991) Hydrous components in "anhydrous" minerals (abstract). Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, European Journal of Mineralogy, 3, 225. 

A74) Smyth JR, Bell DR, Rossman GR (1991) Hydrous clinopyroxenes and the evolution of mantle eclogites (abstract). EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 72, 143. 

1990 Publications 

112) Fritsch E, Rossman GR (1990) New technologies of the 1980s: their impact in gemology. Gems and Gemology 26, 64-75.

111) Fritsch E, Shigley JE, Rossman GR, Mercer ME, Muhlmeister SM, Moon M (1990) Gem-quality cuprian-elbaite tourmaline from Sao Jose de Batalha, Paraiba, Brazil. Gems and Gemology 26, 189-205. 

110) Rossman GR (1990) Hydrogen in "anhydrous" minerals. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Research B45, 41-44. 

109) Rossman GR, Smyth JR (1990) Hydroxyl contents of accessory minerals in mantle eclogites and related rocks. American Mineralogist 75, 765-780. 

108) Shannon RD, Subramanian MA, Allik TH, Kimura H, Kokta MR, Randles MH, Rossman GR (1990) Dielectric constants of yttrium and rare-earth garnets: The polarizability of gallium oxide and the oxide additivity rule. Journal of Applied Physics 67, 3798-3802. 

107) Skogby H, Bell DR, Rossman GR (1990) Hydroxide in pyroxenes: variations in the natural environment. American Mineralogist 75, 764-774. 

106) Smyth JR, Madel RE, McCormick TC, Munoz JL, Rossman GR (1990) Crystal structure refinement of a F-bearing spessartine garnet. American Mineralogist 75, 314-318.

1990 Abstracts

A73) Anbar AD, Blake GA, Rossman GR (1990) Nonlinear spectroscopy of silicate minerals: hole-burning in muscovite (abstract). American Chemical Society Pacific Conference on Chemistry and Spectroscopy, San Francisco, CA. Abs: p. 55. 

A72) Bell DR, Rossman GR (1990) Hydroxyl in "anhydrous minerals from eclogite xenoliths (abstract). EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union 71, 523. 

A71) Shannon RD, Subramanian MA, Mariano AN, Rossman GR (1990) Mineral dielectric constants and the oxide additivity rule (abstract). Materials Research Society Meeting, Spring Meeting, April, San Francisco, Ca. Final Program and Abstracts, p. 285. 

A70) Smyth JR, Rossman GR (1990) Hydroxyl contents and cation vacancies in Mantle eclogite (abstract). EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union 71, 523. 

A69) Vlassopoulos D, Rossman GR, Haggerty SE (1990) Hydrogen in natural and synthetic rutile (TiO2): Distribution and possible controls on its incorporation (abstract). EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union 71, 626. 

1989 Publications

105) Beran A, Rossman GR (1989) The water content of nepheline. Mineralogy and Petrology 40, 235-240. 

104) Beran A, Grew ES, Rossman GR (1989) The hydrous component of sillimanite. American Mineralogist 74, 812-817. 

103) Lager GA, Armbruster T, Rotella FJ, Rossman GR (1989) The OH substitution in garnets: X-ray and neutron-diffraction, infrared and geometric-modeling studies. American Mineralogist 74. 840-851. 

102) Rossman GR, Beran A, Langer K, Chopin Ch (1989) The hydrous component in pyrope from the Dora Maira Massif, Western Alps. European Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology 1, 151-154. 

101) Shannon RD, Subramanian MA, Rossman GR (1989). Mineral dielectric constants and the oxide additivity rule. Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 150, 197-201. In: Materials for Magneto Optic Data Storage. C.J. Robinson, T. Suzuki and C.M. Falco, Eds. 

100) Skogby H, Rossman GR (1989) OH in pyroxenes: An experimental study of incorporation mechanisms and stability. American Mineralogist 74, 1059-1069.

1989 Abstracts

A68) Geiger CA, Langer K, Bell DR, Rossman GR (1989) Realbau of pyrope single crystals grown hydrothermally (abstract). "Crystal Structure, Microstructure and Properties of Minerals and Ceramic Materials", An International Colloquium under the Auspices of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, FRG. March, 1989. Abs: p 55-56. 

A67) Hawthorne F, Groat LA, Rossman GR (1989) Infrared spectroscopy of vesuvianite (abstract). Joint Annual Meeting, Mineralogical Association of Canada, May, 1989. Abs: Geological Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts, 14, A73.

A66) Kronenberg AK, Rossman GR, Yund RA, Huffman AR (1989) Stationary and mobile hydrogen defects in potassium feldspar (abstract). EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 

A65) Lager GA, Xie Q, Ross FK, Rossman GR, Armbruster T, Rotella FJ, Schultz AJ (1989) Crystal structure of a P4/nnc vesuvianite from Tanzania, Africa (abstract). Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Saint Louis, Missouri, October, 1989. GSA Abstracts with Programs 21,

A64) Navon O, Spettel B, Hutcheon ID, Rossman GR, GJ Wasserburg GJ (1989) Micro-inclusions in diamonds from Zaire and Botswana (abstract). Workshop on diamonds, 28th International Geological Congress, July, 1989, Washington, D.C., p 69-72. 

A63) Rossman GR (1989) Hydrogen in "anhydrous" minerals (abstract). Ion Beam Analysis Conference, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, June, 1989. Abs: IBA 1989, 160. 

A62) Shannon RD, Subramanian MA, Mariano AN, Rossman GR (1989) Mineral dielectric constants and the oxide additivity rule (abstract). Materials Research Society, Spring Meeting, April, San Diego, CA. 

A61) Skogby H, Bell DR, Rossman GR (1989) OH in pyroxenes (abstract). Geological Society of America , Annual Meeting, Saint Louis, Missouri, October, 1989. GSA Abstracts with Programs 21, 

A60) Wang H, Bassb JD, Rossman GR (1989) Elastic properties of Fe-bearing pyroxenes and olivines (abstract). EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union 70, 474.

1988 Publications

99) Carlson WD, Rossman GR (1988) Vanadium- and chromium-bearing andalusite: Occurrence and optical absorption spectroscopy. American Mineralogist 73, 1366-1369. 

98) Fritsch E, Rossman GR (1988) An update on color in gems. Part II. Colors caused by charge transfers and color centers. Gems and Gemology 24, 3-15. 

97) Fritsch E, Rossman GR (1988) An update on color in gems. Part III. Colors caused by physical optics. Gems and Gemology 24, 81-103. 

96) Mattson SM, Rossman GR (1988) Fe2+-Ti4+ charge transfer absorption in stoichiometric Fe,Ti minerals. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 16, 78-82. 

95) Navon O, Hutcheon ID, Rossman GR, Wasserburg GJ (1988) Mantle-derived fluids in diamond micro-inclusions. Nature 335, 784-789. 

94) Reinitz IM, Rossman GR (1988) The role of natural radiation in tourmaline coloration. American Mineralogist 73, 822-825. 

93) Rossman GR (1988) Vibrational Spectroscopy of Hydrous Components. In: Hawthorne FC, ed., Spectroscopic Methods in Mineralogy. Reviews in Mineralogy 18, 193-206.

92) Rossman GR (1988) Optical Spectroscopy. In: Hawthorne FC, ed., Spectroscopic Methods in Mineralogy and Geology. Reviews in Mineralogy 18, 207-254. 

91) Rossman GR, Rauch F, Livi R, Tombrello TA, Shi CR, Zhou ZY (1988) Nuclear analysis of hydrogen in almandine, pyrope, and spessartite garnets. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1988, 172-178.

90) Solomon GC, Rossman GR (1988) NH4+ in pegmatitic feldspars from the southern Black Hills, South Dakota. American Mineralogist 73, 818-821. 

89) Yesinowski JP, Eckert H, Rossman GR (1988) High-speed proton MAS-NMR of minerals. Journal of the American Chemical Society 110, 1367-1375.

1988 Abstracts

A60) Bell DR, Rossman GR (1988) Water in the upper mantle: structural OH in garnets from southern African kimberlites (abstract). Geological Society of America. Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October, 1988. Abstracts with Program, 20, A367.

A59) Fontanella JJ, Wintersgill MC, Shannon RD, Rossman GR, Chai BHT (1988) Dielectric loss in berlinite (abstract). International Conference on Defects in Insulating Crystals, August, Parma, Italy.

A58) Geiger CA, Langer K, Winkler B, Bell DR, Rossman GR (1988) The OH component in synthetic pyrope (abstract). Geological Society of America. Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October, 1988. Abstracts with Program, 20, A224.  

A57) Navon O, Hutcheon ID, Rossman GR, Wasserburg GJ (1988) Sub-micron inclusions in diamonds - samples of pristine upper mantle fluids? (abstract). Lunar and Planetary Science 19, 827-828.                             
A56) O'Neill B, Bass JD, Rossman GR, Langer K, Geiger CA (1988) Elastic properties of hydrous garnets (abstract). American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, December, San Francisco, California.

1987 Publications

88) Fritsch E, Rossman GR (1987) An update on color in gems. Part I. Introduction and colors caused by dispersed metal ions. Gems and Gemology 23, 126-139. 

87) Kitamura M, Kondoh S, Morimoto N, Miller GH, Rossman GR, Putnis A (1987) Planar OH-bearing defects in mantle olivine. Nature 328, 143-145. 

86) Lager GA, Rossman GR, Rotella FJ, Schultz AJ (1987) Neutron diffraction structure of a low-water grossular at 20 K. American Mineralogist 72, 766-768. 

85) Mattson SM, Rossman GR (1987) Identifying characteristics of charge transfer transitions in minerals. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 14, 94-99. 

84) Mattson SM, Rossman GR (1987) Fe2+-Fe3+ interactions in tourmaline. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 14, 163-171. 

83) Miller GH, Rossman GR, Harlow GE (1987) The natural occurrence of hydroxide in olivine. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 14, 461-472. 

82) Rossman GR, Weis D, Wasserburg GJ (1987) Rb, Sr, Nd and Sm concentrations in quartz. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 51 2325-2329.

1987 Abstracts

A55) Lager GA, Armbruster T, Rotella FJ, Rossman GR (1987) Structural and geometric refinements of hydrous garnets (abstract). Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, November. Abstracts with Programs, 19, p. 737. 

A54) Navon O, Hutcheon I, Rossman GR, Wasserburg GJ (1987) Ultrapotassic, sub-micron inclusions in diamonds (abstract). American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, December, San Francisco, California. EOS Transactions American Geophysical Union 68, 1552. 

A53) Osborne M, Hawthorne FC, Rossman GR, Fleet ME (1987) Mössbauer and optical study of a blue gahnite from Nigeria (abstract). Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, November, Phoenix, Arizona. Abstracts with Programs, 19, p. 796. 

A52) Rossman GR (1987) Polarized single-crystal spectra and structures of pyroxenes and amphiboles (abstract). Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kristallographie der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany. April. p. 178. Abs: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie

A51) Woodhead JA, Rossman GR, Thomas AP (1987) Zircon: The hydrous species in zircons of diverse parageneses and a broad range of metamictization (abstract). Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, 83rd Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, 19, p. 465.

1986 Publications

81) Aines RD, Rossman GR (1986) Relationships between radiation damage and trace water in zircon, quartz and topaz. American Mineralogist 71, 1186-1193. 

80) Hofmeister AM, Rossman GR (1986) A spectroscopic study of blue radiation coloring in plagioclase. American Mineralogist 71, 95-98. 

79) Kronenberg AK, Kirby SH, Aines RD, Rossman GR (1986) Solubility and diffusional uptake of hydrogen in quartz at high water pressures: implications for hydrolytic weakening. Journal of Geophysical Research 91, 12,723-12,744. 

78) Mattson SM, Rossman GR (1986) Yellow, manganese-rich elbaite with manganese-titanium intervalence charge transfer. American Mineralogist 71, 599-602. 

77) Rossman GR, Aines RD (1986) The spectroscopy of a birefringent grossular from Asbestos, Canada. American Mineralogist 71, 779-780. 

76) Shigley JE, Kampf AR, Rossman GR (1986) New data on painite. Mineralogical Magazine 50, 267-270.

1986 Abstracts

A50) Allen FM, Buseck PR, Rossman GR (1986) optical anisotropy in near-end-member grossulars. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, November. Abs: Abstracts with Programs, 18, p. 525. 

A49) Lager GA, Armbruster T, Rossman GR, Rotella FJ, Faber J, Schultz AJ (1986) Neutron Diffraction Studies in the Hydrogarnet System (abstract). Abstracts with Program. The fourteenth general meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, July, Stanford, California. p. 149. 

A48) Rossman GR (1986) The hydrous components in garnets (abstract). Abstracts with Program. The fourteenth general meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, July, Stanford, California. p 216. 

A47) Rossman GR (1986) Optical spectroscopy of minerals (abstract). Abstracts with Program. The fourteenth general meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, July, Stanford, California. p. 217. 

A46) Yesinowski JP, Eckert H, Rossman GR (1986) 1H High Speed MAS NMR Studies of Minerals (abstract). Abstracts with Program. The fourteenth general meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, July, Stanford, California. p. 275.

1985 Publications

75) Aines RD, Rossman GR (1985) The high temperature behavior of trace hydrous components in silicate minerals. American Mineralogist 70, 1169-1179. 

74) Conca JL, Rossman GR (1985) Core softening in cavernously weathered tonalite. Journal of Geology 93, 59-74. 

73) Grew ES, Rossman GR (1985) Coordination of boron in sillimanite. Mineralogical Magazine 49, 132-135. 

72) Hofmeister AM, Rossman GR (1985) A spectroscopic study of rradiative coloration:of amazonite: structurally hydrous Pb-bearing feldspar. American Mineralogist 70, 794-804. 

71) Hofmeister AM, Rossman GR (1985) Exsolution of metallic copper from Lake County labradorite. Geology 13, 644-647. 

70) Hofmeister AM, Rossman GR (1985) A model for the irradiative coloration of smoky feldspar and the inhibiting influence of water. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 12, 324-332.

1985 Abstracts

A45) Dyar MD, Burns RG, Rossman GR (1985) Is there tetrahedral Fe3+ in biotite (abstract)? Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida. November. Abs.: Abstracts with Programs, 17, 571. 

A44) Miller GH, Rossman GR (1985) The natural occurrence of hydrogen in olivine. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California. December. Abs.: EOS Transactions American Geophys. Union, 66, 1135.

1984 Publications

69) Aines RD, Rossman GR (1984) Water in minerals? A peak in the infrared. Journal of Geophysical Research 89, 4059-4072. 

68) Aines RD, Kirby SH, Rossman GR (1984) Hydrogen speciation in synthetic quartz. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 11, 204-212. 

67) Aines RD, Rossman GR (1984) The high temperature behavior of water and carbon dioxide in cordierite and beryl. American Mineralogist 69, 319-327.

66) Aines RD, Rossman GR (1984) The water content of mantle garnets. Geology 12, 720-723. 

65) Aines RD, Rossman GR (1984) The hydrous component in garnets. Pyraspites. American Mineralogist , 69, 1116-1126. 

64) Amthauer G, Rossman GR (1984) Mixed valence of iron in minerals with cation clusters. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 11, 37-51. 

63) Belsky H, Rossman GR, Prewitt CT, Gasparik T (1984) Crystal structure and optical spectroscopy of CaCrSi4O10. American Mineralogist 69, 771-776. 

62) Harlow GE, Dunn P, Rossman GR (1984) Gamagarite: a re-examination and comparison with brackebuschite-like minerals. American Mineralogist 69, 803-806. 

61) Hofmeister AM, Rossman GR (1984) Determination of Fe3+ and Fe2+ concentrations in feldspar by optical and EPR spectroscopy. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 11, 213-224. 

60) Kampf AR, Shigley JE, Rossman GR (1984) New data on lotharmeyerite. Mineralogical Record 15, 223-226. 

59) Mattson SM, Rossman GR (1984) Ferric iron in tourmaline. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 11, 225-234. 

58) Rossman GR (1984) The spectroscopy of micas. In: S.W. Bailey, ed., Micas. Reviews in Mineralogy 13, 145-182. 

57) Rossman GR, Kirschvink JL (1984) Magnetic properties of synthetic gem diamonds. Gems and Gemology 20, 163-166.

1984 Abstracts

A43) Conca JL, Rossman GR (1984) Core softening in tonalite, Catavina, Baja California (abstract). Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada. November. Abs.: Abstracts with Programs, 16, 475.

1983 Publications

56) Hofmeister AM, Rossman GR (1983) Color in feldspars. In: P.H. Ribbe, ed., Feldspar Minerals. Reviews in Mineralogy 2, 2nd edition, 271-280. 

55) Waychunas GA, Rossman GR (1983) Spectroscopic standard for tetrahedrally coordinated ferric iron? gamma-LiAlO2:Fe3+. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 9, 212-215.

1983 Abstracts

A42) Aines RD, SH Kirby, Rossman GR (1983) Hydrogen speciation in synthetic quartz and its relevance to hydrolytic weakening. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California. December. Abs.: EOS Transactions American Geophys. Union, 64, 839. Abstract PDF.

A41) Aines RD, Silver LA, Rossman GR, Stolper EM (1983) Direct observation of water speciation in rhyolite at temperatures up to 850°C. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana. November. Abs.: Abstracts with Programs, 15, 512. Abstract PDF.

A40) Hofmeister AM, Rossman GR (1983) Exsolution of copper from labradorite phenocrysts of Steens Mountain basalts, Lake County, Oregon. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana. November. Abs.: Abstracts with Programs, 15, 497. Abstract PDF.

A39) Kronenberg AK, Kirby SH, Aines RD, Rossman GR (1983) Hydrogen uptake in hydrothermally annealed quartz: implications for hydrolytic weakening. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California. December. Abs.: EOS Transactions American Geophys. Union, 64, 839. Abstract PDF.

A38) Mattson SM, Rossman GR (1983) Intensified d-d bands in mixed valence solids. 1983 Pacific Conference on Chemistry and Spectroscopy, Pasadena, California. October. Abstract: 50. Abstract PDF.

A37) Mattson SM, Rossman GR (1983) Anomalous ferrous iron optical absorption intensities in tourmaline. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana. November. Abs.: Abstracts with programs, 15, 638. Abstract PDF.

A36) Rossman GR, RD Aines (1983) The water content of mantle garnets. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California. December. Abs.: EOS Transactions American Geophys. Union, 64, 903. Abstract PDF.

1982 Publications

54) Carson DG, Rossman GR, Vaughan RW (1982) Orientation and motion of water molecules in cordierite: a proton nuclear magnetic resonance study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 8, 14-19. 

53) Conca JL, Rossman GR (1982) Case-hardening of sandstone. Geology 10, 520-523. 

52) Goldman DS, Rossman GR (1982) The identification of Fe2+ in the M(4) site of calcic amphiboles: Reply. American Mineralogist 67, 340-342.

51) Prewitt CT, Barton PB, Bell PM, Fine ME, Foner S, Kohlstedt DL, Luth WC, Manghani MH, Mukherjee AK, Robertson EC, Rossman GR, Schlechten AW (1992) Fostering increased cooperation between the geological and materials sciences. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. ISBN 978-0-309-32872-2 | DOI 10.17226/19599

50) Rossman GR (1982) Irradiation of colored gem stones. International Geological Symposium, Proceedings 1, 91-99. 

49) Rossman GR, Qui Y (1982) Radioactive irradiated spodumene. Gems and Gemology 10, 87-90. 

48) Rossman GR, Grew ES, Dollase WA (1982) The colors of sillimanite. American Mineralogist 67, 749-761. 

1982 Abstracts

A35) Aines RD, Rossman GR (1982) The hydrous component in garnets. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. October. Abstract: Abstracts with Programs, 14, 430. Abstract PDF

A34) Amthauer G, Rossman GR (1982) Mössbauer und Ligandenfeldspektroskopie von Eisen in Klinopyroxenen.  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kristallographie der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Kiel, Germany. March. Abs.: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 159, 9-10. Abstract PDF

A33) Solomon GC, Rossman GR (1982) Water in feldspars. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. October. Abs.: Abstracts with Programs, 14, 622. Abstract PDF

A32) Stolper E, Paque J, Rossman GR (1982) The influence of oxygen fugacity and cooling rate on the crystallization of Ca-Al-Rich inclusions from Allende. Lunar and Planetary Science XIII, 772-773. Abstract PDF

1981 Publications

47) Rossman GR (1981) Color in gems: the new technologies. Gems and Gemology 17, 60-71. 

46) Rossman GR, Shannon RD, Warring RK (1981) Origin of the yellow color of complex nickel oxides. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 39, 277-287.

1981 Abstracts

A31) Hofmeister AM, Rossman GR (1981) Effect of radiation on water and lead in potassium feldspar. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio. November. Abs.: Abstracts with Programs, 13, 474. 

A30) Mattson SM, Rossman GR (1981) Influence of ion-pair interactions on site occupancy determination ions. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio. November. Abs.: Abstracts with Programs, 13, 505. 

A29) Rossman GR (1981) Origins of color in pegmatite minerals. Mineralogist Society of America, Friends of Mineralogy Symposium, Tucson, Arizona. February. Abs.: MSA-FM Symposium.

1980 Publications 

45) Goto T, Ahrens TJ, Rossman GR, Syono T (1980) Absorption spectrum of shock-compressed Fe2+-bearing MgO and the radiative conductivity of the lower mantle. Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors 22, 277-288. 

44) Rossman GR (1980) Pyroxene spectroscopy. In: CT Prewitt, ed., Pyroxenes. Reviews in Mineralogy 7, 93-115.

1980 Abstracts

A28) Aines RD, Rossman GR (1980) The structural and chemical behavior of hydrous components in minerals at temperatures up to 1000 K. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. November. Abs.: Abstracts with Programs, 12. Abstract PDF.

A27) Amthauer G, Rossman GR (1980) Mössbauer and electronic absorption studies of aegirines. International Mineralogical Association, 12th General Meeting, Orleans, France. July. Abstract PDF

A26) Rossman GR (1980) Optical spectroscopy of pyroxenes. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. November. Abs.: Abstracts with Programs, 12, 377. Abstract PDF

1979 Publications

43) Goldman DS, Rossman GR (1979) Determination of the quantitative cation distribution in orthopyroxene from electronic absorption spectra. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 4, 43-53. 

42) Goto T, Rossman GR, Ahrens TJ (1979) Absorption spectroscopy in solids under shock compression. In High-Pressure Science and Technology, Sixth AIRAPT Conf., Vol. 2, K.D. Timmerhaus and M.S. Barber, eds., Plenum Press, 895-904. 

41) Goto T, Ahrens TJ, Rossman GR (1979) Absorption Spectra of Cr3+ in Al2O3 under shock compression, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 4, 253-263. 

40) Potter RM, Rossman GR (1979) The manganese and iron oxide mineralogy of desert varnish. Chemical Geology 25, 79-94. 

39) Potter RM, Rossman GR (1979) The tetravalent manganese oxides: identification, hydration and structural relationships by infrared spectroscopy. American Mineralogist 64, 1199-1218. 

38) Potter RM, Rossman GR (1979) The mineralogy of manganese dendrites and coatings. American Mineralogist 64, 1219-1226. 

37) Potter RM, Rossman GR (1979) A magnesium analogue of chalcophanite in manganese-rich concretions from Baja California. American Mineralogist 64, 1227-1229. 

36) Rossman GR (1979) Structural information from quantitative infrared spectra of minerals. Transactions of the American Crystallographic Association 15, 77-91.

1979 Abstracts

A25) Amthauer G, Rossman GR (1979) Mössbauer and electronic absorption studies of mixed valence iron silicates and phosphates. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. November. Abs.: Abstracts with Programs, 11, 378.  Abstract PDF

A24) Meeker GP, Rossman GR, Albee AL (1979) Mid-infrared reflectance spectra for planetary surface study. Planetary Geology Principal Investigators Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island. June. Abs.: Reports of Planetary Geology Program, 1978-1979, NASA Technical Memorandum 80339, 400-402.  Abstract PDF

A23) Rossman GR (1979) Glitter: gems or gyps. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas. January. Abs.: 1979 Annual Meeting Abstracts.  Abstract PDF

A22) Rossman GR (1979) Structural information from quantitative infrared spectra of minerals. American Crystallographic Association, Winter Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii. March. Abs.: American Crystallogr. Assoc., program and abstracts, 6, 49-50.  Abstract PDF

A21) Solomon GC, Rossman GR (1979) The role of water in structural states of K-feldspars as studied by infrared spectroscopy. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. November. Abs.: Abstracts with Programs, 11, 521.  Abstract PDF

1978 Publications

35) Goldman DS, Rossman GR (1978) The site distribution of iron and anomalous biaxiality in osumilite. American Mineralogist 63, 490-409. 

34) Goldman DS, Rossman GR, Parkin KM (1978) Channel constituents in beryl. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 3, 225-235. 

33) Huneke JC, Rossman GR (1978) Zircons of Summit Rock, Oregon. Mineralogical Record 9, 392-393. 

32) Rossman GR (1978) Glitter: Gems or Gyps. Engineering and Science, California Institute of Technology 41, 26-31. 

31) Wan C, Ghose S, Rossman GR (1978) Guildite, Cu2+Fe3+(SO4)2(OH)·4H2O: A layer structure with a new type of ferric hydroxy sulfate chain and its optical absorption spectra. American Mineralogist 63, 478-483.

1978 Abstracts

A20) Goto T, Ahrens TJ, Rossman GR (1978) Optical absorbance of ruby and Fe2+-doped magnesium oxide under shock compression (abstract). American Physical Society, General Meeting, San Francisco, California. January. Abs.: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 23, 57. Abstract PDF

A19) Potter RM, Rossman GR (1978) Manganese oxides of the terrestrial weathering environment. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario. October.  Abs.: Abstracts with Programs, 10, 473. Abstract PDF

A18) Woodhead JA, Rossman GR, Silver LT (1978) X-ray and infrared studies of zircon metmictization. Spring Annual Meeting, American Geophysical Union, Miami, Florida. Abs.: EOS Transactions American Geoph. Union, 59, 394. Abstract PDF

1977 Publications

30) Goldman DS, Rossman GR (1977) The spectra of iron in ortho-pyroxene revisited: the splitting of the 5T2g ground state. American Mineralogist 62, 151-157. 

29) Goldman DS, Rossman GR (1977) The identification of Fe2+ in the M(4) site of calcic amphiboles. American Mineralogist 62, 205-216. 

28) Goldman DS, Rossman GR, Dollase WA (1977) Channel constituents in cordierite. American Mineralogist 62, 1144-1157.

27) Potter RM, Rossman GR (1977) Desert varnish: The importance of clay minerals. Science 196, 1446-1448. 

1977 Abstracts

A17) Goldman DS, Rossman GR (1977) Osumilite: channel ions, water and biaxiality. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington. November. Abs.: Abstracts with Programs, 7, 993. Abstract PDF

A16) Goto T, Rossman GR, Ahrens TJ (1977) Absorption spectroscopy in solids under shock compression. Sixth AIRAPT Meeting, Boulder, Colorado. July.

A15) Potter RM, Rossman GR (1977) Desert varnish: Mineralogy of the ferro-manganese oxides. Fall Annual Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California. December. Abs.: EOS Transactions American Geophys. Union, 58, 1242. Abstract PDF

A14) Rossman GR (1977) Non-essential components of Minerals. Third Mineralogical Society of America-Friends of Mineralogy Symposium, Tucson, Arizona. February. Abs.: Third MSA-FM Symposium. 

A13) Rossman GR (1977) Correlations of structural (bonding), spectroscopic (VIS-NIR) and magnetic properties (abstract). Mineral Physics Conference, Airlie, Virginia. October. 

A12) Rossman GR (1977) Quantitative applications of optical and near infrared spectroscopy (abstract). Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington. November.  Abstracts with Programs, 7, 1148. Abstract PDF

A11) Rossman GR (1977) Optical absorption spectra of major minerals in Luna 24 sample 24170 (abstract). Lunar Science Institute, Conference on Luna 24, Houston, Texas. December. Abs.: Conference on Luna 24, Lunar Science Institute, 156-159. Abstract PDF

1976 Publications

26) Goldman DS, Rossman GR (1976) Identification of a mid-infrared electronic absorption band of Fe2+ in the distorted M(2) site of orthopyroxene, (Mg,Fe)SiO3. Chemical Physics Letters 41, 474-475. 

25) Rossman GR (1976) Spectroscopic and magnetic studies of ferric iron hydroxy sulfates: The series Fe(OH)SO4·nH2O and jarosite. American Mineralogist 61, 398-404. 

24) Rossman GR (1976) The optical spectroscopic comparison of the ferric iron tetrameric clusters in amarantite and leucophosphite. American Mineralogist 61, 933-938. 

1976 Abstracts

A10) Goldman DS, Rossman GR (1976) Identification of Fe2+ in the M(4) site of calic amphiboles (abstract). Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado. November. Abs.: Abstracts with Programs, 6, Abstract PDF

A9) Grew ES, Rossman GR (1976) Iron in some Antarctic sillimanites (abstract). Spring Annual Meeting, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC. EOS Transactions American Geoph., Union 57, 337.  Abstract PDF

A8) Grew ES, Rossman GR (1976) Color and iron in Sillimanite (abstract). Physics of Minerals Session, International Mineralogical Association, at the 25th International Geological Congress, Sydney, Australia. 25th IGC, 2, 564-565. Absgract PDF

A7) Rossman GR, Goldman DS (1976) Ferrous iron in cordierite: a non-structural component in the channel cavities (abstract). Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado. November. Abstracts with Programs, 6, 888. Abstract PDF

1975 Publications

23) Bell PM, Mao HK, Rossman GR (1975) Absorption spectroscopy of ionic and molecular units in crystals and glasses. In Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy of Lunar and Terrestrial Minerals, C. Karr, Jr., ed., Academic Press, New York, 1-38. 

22) Gibbons RV, Ahrens TJ, Rossman GR (1975) Spectra of shock-affected rhodonite: a reply. American Mineralogist 60, 942-943. 

21) Lowenstam HA, Rossman GR (1975) Amorphous, hydrous, ferric phosphatic dermal granules in Molpadiida (Holothuroids): Physical and chemical characterization and ecologic implications of the bio-inorganic fraction. Chemical Geology 15, 15-51. 

20) Powers DA, Rossman GR, Schugar HJ, Gray HB (1975) Magnetic behavior and infrared spectra of jarosite, basic iron sulfate and their chromate analogies. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 13, 1-13. 

19) Rossman GR (1975) Joaquinite: The nature of its water content and the question of four-coordinated ferrous iron. American Mineralogist 60, 435-440. 

18) Rossman GR (1975) Spectroscopic and magnetic studies of ferric iron hydroxy sulfates: Intensification of color in ferric iron clusters bridged by a single hydroxide ion. American Mineralogist 60, 698-704. 

1974 Publications

17) Cerdonio M, Wang RH, Rossman GR, Mercereau JE (1974) Magneto-chemical measurements of biochemical compounds with a superconducting magnetometer. In Low Temperature Physics-LT13, Vol. 4, K.D. Timmerhaus, W.J. O'Sullivan, and E.F. Hammel, eds., Plenum Press, New York, 525-534. 

16) Gibbons RV, Ahrens TJ, Rossman GR (1974) A spectrographic interpretation of the shock-produced color change in rhondonite (MnSiO3): The shock-induced reduction of Mn(III) to Mn(II). American Mineralogist 59, 177-182. 

15) Labotka TC, Rossman GR (1974) The infrared pleochroism of lawsonite: The orientation of the water and hydroxide groups. American Mineralogist 59, 799-810. 

14) Lewis R, Lowenstam HA, Rossman GR (1974) Oxalate nephrosis and crystalline myocarditis. Archives of Pathology 98, 149-155. 

13) Rossman GR (1974) Optical spectroscopy of green vanadium apophyllite from Poona, India. American Mineralogist 59, 621-622. 

12) Rossman GR (1974) Lavender jade. The optical spectrum of Fe3+ in the pyroxene jadeite and intervalence charge transfer. American Mineralogist 59, 868-870. 

11) Rossman GR (1974) Irradiated fluorescent minerals. Journal of the Fluorescent Mineral Society 3, 46-55. 

10) Rossman GR, Squires RL (1974) The occurrence of alstonite at Cave in Rock, Illinois. Mineralogical Record 5, 266-269. 

9) Ziola R, Stanford RH, Rossman GR, Gray HB (1974) Synthesis and structural characterization of a dimeric cyanomanganate(III) complex, K7[(CN)5MnOMn(CN)5]CN. Journal of the American Chemical Society 96, 7910-7915. 

1974 Abstracts

A6) Ziola RF, Stanford RH, Rossman GR, Gray HB (1974) Synthesis and structural characterization of a dimeric cyanomangante(III) complex, K7[(CN)5MnOMn(CN)5]CN (abstract). American Chemical Society National Meeting, Los Angeles, California. 

1973 Publications

8) Hoenig HE, Wang RH, Rossman GR, Mercereau JE (1973) Magneto-chemical studies with a new ultrasensitive superconducting quantum magnetometer. Proceedings of the 1972 Applied Superconductivity Conference, May 1-3, 1972, Annapolis, Md., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Pub. No. 72CHO682-5-TABSC, 570-574.

7) Rossman GR, Tsay FD, Gray HB (1973) Spectroscopic and magnetic properties of heptacyanomolybdate (III): Evidence for pentagonal bipyramidal and monocapped trigonal prismatic structures. Inorganic Chemistry 12, 824-829. 

1973 Abstracts

A5) Rossman GR (1973) Transition metals in inorganic materials. Conference on Charge Transfer, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. April. Reported in EOS Transactions American Geoph. Union 54, 910-912. 

1972 Publications

6) Dawson JW, Gray HB, Hoenig HE, Rossman GR, Schredder JM, Wang RH (1972) A magnetic susceptibility study of hemerythrin using an ultrasensitive magnetometer. Biochemistry 11, 461-465.

5) Schugar HJ, Rossman GR, Barraclough CG, Gray HB (1972) Electronic structure of oxo-bridged iron (III) dimers. Journal of the American Chemical Society 94, 2683-2690. 

4) Wu CHS, Rossman GR, Gray HB, Hammond GS, Schugar HJ (1972) Chelates of beta-Diketones. VI. Synthesis and characterization of dimeric dialkoxo-bridged iron(III) complexes with acetylacetone and 2,2,6,6-tetramethylheptane-3,5-dione(HDPM). Inorganic Chemistry 11, 990-994.

1972 Abstracts

A4) Cerdonio M, Wang RH, Rossman GR, Mercereau JE (1972) Magneto-chemical measurements of biochemical compounds with a superconducting magnetometer. 13th Low Temperature Conference, Boulder, Colorado. Published in Volume 4, p525

A3) Rossman GR (1972) Magnetochemical studies of metal-containing proteins with superconducting instrumentation (abstract). The American Physical Society, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California. December. 

1970 Publications

3) Coush DA, Wilkins CJ, Rossman GR, Gray HB (1970) Electronic energy levels in hexahalotellurate (IV) complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 92, 307-310. 

2) Schugar HJ, Rossman GR, Thibeault J, Gray HB (1970) Simultaneous pair electronic excitations in a binuclear iron(III) complex. Chemical Physics Letters 6, 26-28. 

1969 Publications

1) Schugar HJ, Rossman GR, Gray HB (1969) A dihydroxo-bridged ferric dimer. Journal of the American Chemical Society 91, 4564-4566. 

1968 Abstracts

A2) Horrisberger L, Rossman GR, Denio AA (1968) I.R. absorption properties of micas: A unique window material (abstract). Great Lakes Regional Meeting, American Chemical Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. June. 

A1) Rossman GR, Denio AA (1968) The I.R. absorption by hydroxyl groups in mica (abstract). Great Lakes Regional Meeting, American Chemical Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


Grubbs RH, Blumenfeld CM, Gray HB, Rossman GR (2022) Photocatalytic Generation of Singlet oxygen for Air Purification. US Patent Application Number  20,220,211,894 

Wang Z, Blake G, Rossman GR (2003) Apparatus and method for analyzing microscopic samples based on optical parametric oscillation. U.S. Patent Number 6,522,402.